Wednesday 29 June 2016

McCrossan: Rural Roads initiative must be more than pothole patchwork job

SDLP West Tyrone MLA Daniel McCrossan has said that a new ‘rural road initiative’ announced by the Infrastructure Minister today must be more than a pothole patchwork programme.

He said, “There are miles and miles of roads across Omagh, Strabane and throughout West Tyrone that have been left in a sorry state of affairs after years on under-investment in our transport infrastructure. Local people will know that a drive across the county is more like a rally circuit than a scenic countryside cruise.

“I’m glad that the Infrastructure Minister has decided to take action and today announced a new initiative to tackle the poor condition of rural roads. It is important however, that this is more than a pothole patchwork programme. A new coat of paint may hide the cracks on the wall but it won’t keep it standing.

“I would encourage anyone who notices road faults to report them to Transport NI immediately so that we can avail of as much funding as possible to enhance our roads network.”

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Goan welcomes youthful assembly intake

The increase in young intake into the Northern Irish Assembly has been welcomed by SDLP Youth Office Charlie Goan, and has called on these new politicians to work harder on youth issues such as a “Brain Drain” and youth services.

Thursday the 5th of May saw the beginning of the new assembly mandate and an increase in new, young faces admitted to Stormont. In this new mandate there has been an increase of young, able politicians.

Speaking on the matter Mr Goan said “I believe it is time that the politicians in the area began to listen to young people’s views and to begin to take young people seriously. There are many issues that face the youth population in West Tyrone including the Brain Drain and lack of services for young people.”

“Having had many successful meetings in the past with Daniel McCrossan MLA, Claire Hanna MLA and Nichola Mallon MLA I have every faith that the new SDLP team in Stormont can deliver these services for young people. The SDLP has shown leadership in the past and with the youngest leader of a political party in Stormont and a growing youth team in Castlederg and Strabane, now is the perfect time to lobby your local MLAs on these issues.”   

“As a local teenager I have witnessed first-hand the growing need for effective government in Stormont. Castlederg, Aghyaran, Strabane and the entire constituency has become a black stop where droves of our young people leave to seek opportunities abroad. This should be the mandate in which we turn around this trend and bring further opportunity to the constituency. I believe this process has already began with the election of Daniel McCrossan, a forward thinking, youthful presence that the constituency has been crying out for for a considerable amount of time”

Monday 9 May 2016

McCrossan thanks voters and vows to be a strong voice for West Tyrone

SDLP MLA Daniel McCrossan has thanked the electorate of West Tyrone for putting their faith in him to deliver for West Tyrone following his election to the Assembly.

Mr McCrossan said “I would like to first and foremost thank all the people of West Tyrone who voted for me at the election, and in doing so put their faith in me to deliver a better deal for West Tyrone.”

“I have said from the very start of this election campaign that a vote for me is a vote for better representation in the Assembly and a stronger voice for the people of West Tyrone, who have been let down time and time again by the Executive at Stormont in terms of delivering jobs and investment to the North West.”

“I received votes from people of all backgrounds and I intend to represent every single person in West Tyrone regardless of background or religion. Everyone in West Tyrone has suffered equally due to lack of investment from central government. It is my job along with the 5 other MLA’s within the constituency, to ensure much needed investment like the A5 are finally delivered, instead of being used as a political football by other parties.”

“The people of West Tyrone have been let down too often. The hard work begins straight away and it is a challenge I very much look forward to.” 

Friday 12 February 2016

McCrossan urges Minister to prioritise Springhill Park Window Replacement Scheme

SDLP West Tyrone MLA Daniel McCrossan has urged the Minister for Social Development to prioritise the Springhill Park Window Replacement Scheme following news the scheme is to be rolled out by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive in March 2017.

Mr McCrossan has now urged the Minister to prioritise these works in the Springhill Park area of Strabane after revealing the start date would be subject to the ongoing budget review, design and approval process.

Speaking after the announcement Mr McCrossan said “The issue with poor quality windows in the Springhill Park area of Strabane has been an ongoing issue for a number of years. I have been working with constituents in the Springhill Park area and the poor quality windows installed by the Housing Executive is a constant source of frustration for residents.”

“The quality of these windows, in my view, is simply unacceptable and they are unfit for purpose. I have seen first-hand how residents struggle to heat their homes and keep fuel costs to a minimum when their windows can neither keep in heat nor keep cold draughts out. This coupled with the recent storms the North West has experienced in the last few weeks, has only made a difficult job harder for residents.”

“I have lobbied the Minister on this issue and I will continue to do so to ensure this scheme is rolled out on schedule. There can be absolutely no delay in these necessary works being carried out.”

McCrossan: RHI shutdown raises concern over 70 Omagh jobs

SDLP West Tyrone MLA Daniel McCrossan has slammed a decision by the Minister Jonathan Bell to axe the Renewable Heat Incentive. The loss of the scheme which funds renewable heating projects to produce renewable energy is predicted to cost 2,000 jobs with a business owner in Omagh expressing concern for his 70 staff.

Mr McCrossan said: “Minister Bell’s sudden announcement makes devastating reading for the many businesses who have invested hundreds of thousands of pounds into equipment on the basis of the scheme

“One company based in Omagh have £650,000 worth of orders taken on this scheme and have £400,000 worth of boilers already paid for and non-refundable. They are expecting this move to cost them around £1million and are seriously concerned about the future of their 70 staff. They said that if the Minister had given warning or employed a staggered reduction then the damage would not be as severe.

“DETI has specialised in low-skill job creation and massive job losses particularly in manufacturing. Throughout the North this move has been forecast to cost 2,000 jobs in an industry that employs graduates and skilled workers.  Minister Bell seems intent on creating a call-centre economy.

“The Minister intends to bring his plan to the Assembly on Monday. The SDLP will strong in our opposition to a decision that will only put people on the dole queue and businesses into administration.”

Monday 25 January 2016

McCrossan: Assault Rifle found in Strabane

SDLP West Tyrone MLA Daniel McCrossan has described the discovery of an illegal firearm in Strabane as a deeply worrying. A military grade assault rifle was found at Lismourne Place along with ammunition.

Mr McCrossan said: “This discovery of this weapon is a deeply worrying development. Illegal and irresponsible gun ownership is very dangerous and we have seen weapons of this type used in illegal activity including the attempted murder of police.

“The illegal storing of firearms is unacceptable and it allows those who committed to violence to continue to put the public at risk. We must all be vigilant against this threat and I would encourage anyone with any relevant information to contact the police immediately.”

Thursday 21 January 2016

McCrossan: DRD in the dark on A5/A6 detail

SDLP West Tyrone MLA and member of the Regional Development Committee Daniel McCrossan has described the evidence provided by DRD officials at Regional Development Committee meeting today as a “demonstration of the scant detail, lack of funding and little thought,” given to the A5 and A6 developments. Senior DRD officials who were responding to questions from Committee members were unable to answer important questions pertaining to the development of the two roads.

Mr McCrossan said: “The evidence heard by the Regional Development Committee today completely undermines the boasts of Sinn Fein and the DUP that the development of the A5 and A6 will be delivered. It was a demonstration of the scant detail, lack of funding and little thought that have been given to these so called flagship projects beyond this year.

“In the case of the A6 we know that this budget has only put up £21million of the estimated half a billion needed to complete the road and when I asked about how plans were progressing on A5 the DRD officials looked at me as if I had two heads. They were unable to provide any detail on how or when the Strabane to New Buildings development would progress and there was no mention of the Ballygawley–Omagh-Strabane stretch that forms the bulk of the job.

“The fact that their testimony did not contain any detail is not a reflection on the Department but evidence of the clear lack of planning and direction that has come from the DUP minister. We must come to the conclusion that the reason why senior officials are still in the dark is because the DUP and Sinn Fein have no real intention of delivering on their promises. A day after it was introduced, this Budget is already falling apart under the weight of the slightest scrutiny. It has been exposed as a catalogue of empty election promises.”