Thursday 15 August 2013

Byrne: New allegations about Omagh strengthens need for inquiry

New allegations about the aftermath and investigation of the Omagh bomb serve to strengthen the need for a realistic and practical inquiry according to local SLDP MLA Joe Byrne.

“It is 15 years since Omagh was devastated by a vicious Real IRA bomb. It traumatised not only those who were directly affected, but their families and loved ones.

“A week ago the families, led by Michael Gallagher revealed that vital intelligence was not shared that could have helped to avert the tragedy.

“A former senior police officer has alleged that Downing Street was warned by Sinn Féin that arresting suspects in south Armagh would destabilise the ceasefire. He  further alleged that Downing Street then made the decision not to release intelligence that could lead to arrests.”

“On the 15th anniversary of the bomb, this must be very distressing news for the families and all of those affected.

“The victims of the Omagh atrocity need and deserve the truth about what happened and information about the gathering and sharing of intelligence material is vital. These new revelations make the case made by the Omagh families for an inquiry even more compelling.

“This inquiry should form part of dealing with the issue of the past which has been souring political process.
“It is important not only for the families but to ensure that a similar tragedy can never happen again.”

Wednesday 14 August 2013

SDLP call for action over Sion Mills growing weed problem

This week the SDLP in Strabane have called on Strabane District Council to tackle the on-going weed problem in Sion Mills.

Speaking on the issue SDLP Councillor Patsy Kelly said “This has been an on-going problem in Sion Mills for quite some time. Many residents have contacted the SDLP and feel the problem is really getting out of control. Residents feel that Strabane District Council and other relevant authorities, are not doing enough to tackle the problem. The SDLP have been out and about in Sion Mills and feel residents are wholly justified in their concerns. This is a serious problem.”

“I will be raising this issue at council level and asking why the problem was allowed to get this bad. Many residents of Sion Mills simply refuse to use the back lanes anymore as the problem is so bad. We will be lobbying Strabane District Council and Roads Service to maintain proper maintenance and weed control at a satisfactory level.”

Following on SDLP Representative for the area Jim McIntyre said “I am in Sion Mills on almost a daily basis to visit family and friends, and it pains me to see the image of this beautiful village be tarnished by weeds. The residents of Sion Mills are very proud of their village following the best kept village award, and feel the tourism potential of this historically significant village is being damaged by this weed problem. I would call on the relevant authorities to take immediate action to resolve this issue.”

SDLP welcome progress on Garvan Park adoption

This week the SDLP in Strabane has welcomed the progress currently being made in the adoption process of Garvan Park.

West Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne said “I am very pleased to see the process of adoption in Garvan Park in the Glebe coming along very well. We in the SDLP after working with Rivers Agency, Roads Service and the Developer, are very confident that the formal adoption of Garvin Park will take place in the not too distant future.”

“I would call on Developers and all public agencies involved in the adoption process, to use Garvan Park as an example in what can be achieved when all involved take part in positive, constructive communication with each other.”

“Many residents in Strabane have contacted my office in regards to their area not being adopted, and many sites have been left without proper maintenance. Public agencies blame the developer and vice versa. This is not acceptable for rate payers to suffer because neither developer nor public agency is willing to meet in the middle. I would call on more work to be done between all involved to speed up the adoption process.”

SDLP welcome Melvin Hall upgrade

This week the SDLP in Strabane has welcomed the works being carried out to upgrade Melvin Sports Complex.

West Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne said “It is fantastic to see the planned upgrade of Melvin Hall well underway and will give the people of Strabane a Sports Complex for the 21st century. It is well known that many people in Strabane enjoy their sport whether on a competitive or leisurely level and this upgrade will allow everyone to enjoy a first class sporting experience.”

“Sport is a great way to bring communities together in the spirit of good sportsmanship. Furthermore with young people having places like Melvin Hall to spend their free time it can lower rates of anti-social behaviour being carried out in the area.”

“Sport is a great way to elevate stress and allow people to get exercise which helps stem obesity. There are many more reasons why this is a great positive step for Strabane, and the SDLP will continue to lobby for more funds to be invested in our local leisure centres. We also aim to ensure that money will be invested in other past-time activities and hobbies outside of sport for all to enjoy.”

Wednesday 7 August 2013

SDLP bids to fight Donemana Post Office closure

SDLP Councillor Patsy Kelly has hit out at plans to close the only Post Office in Donemana which he says is a life line to many in the community. Mr Kelly along with Joe Byrne MLA is to meet with Post Office officials in order to try to reverse the decision.

Mr Kelly said:

“I am bitterly disappointed that Donemana Post Office, which is a life line to many in the rural community, has had to close. Having spoken to the postmaster who runs his business and the Post Office from the same premises I am confident this closure could have been avoided.

“The Post Office was allocating just £40 per week to the postmaster, a nominal amount which works out at just £1 per opening hour. The postmaster is committed to finding ways of keeping this service going even if it means reducing its opening hours to 20 per week.

“Both Joe Byrne MLA and I have sought a meeting with Post Office officials to resolve this issue and work around the closure of this vital service. There are other options available which we very much hope the relevant officials can consider.”

Byrne: Castlederg march is ‘totally insensitive’

SDLP MLA for West Tyrone, Joe Byrne has said that the planned march through Castlederg is 'totally insensitive.'

“The SDLP does not support this parade in Castlederg as the party does not and has never supported marches or parades that commemorate or glorify violence or Paramilitarism.

“This particular march at a time which coincides with the fifteenth anniversary of the Omagh bomb is totally insensitive given that so many families have suffered because of paramilitary violence in the past.

“The SDLP believe that people have the right to express their views but that with that right there is a responsibility to behave in a sensitive and respectful way. That is why the SDLP support the need for the Parades Commission or a similar body to provide adjudication on contentious parades and the necessity for everyone to abide by their rulings.

"Given the grave concerns that are developing over the Castlederg parade that is scheduled to take place on the 11th August, sensible people are asking for political intervention at the highest level to deal with the issue.  Given that First Minister Peter Robinson and Deputy First Minister Martin McGuiness have both spoken on this matter, it is now imperative that all political influence must be used to de-escalate the potential situation.

"As an MLA for West Tyrone and a Castlederg native, I am asking Peter Robinson and Martin McGuiness to have meaningful discussions with the appropriate people to help conclude a satisfactory solution to this issue. Given that the First Minister and Deputy First Minister have worked closely on many matters, the good people of Castlederg would appreciate them putting all their efforts into helping resolve this issue.

"Castlederg has enjoyed improving community relations in recent years, and many people have contributed to this process. The current discussion around the proposed commemoration parade has the potential to undo all the good cross-community progress that has been achieved. The recent Tyrone fleadh in Castlederg was a tremendous success, and all sections of the community participated and enjoyed the festival atmosphere."

In conclusion Mr Byrne said:

"Over all the years of the Troubles there have been many deaths and families who have suffered great pain. Contentious issues like parades have often increased community tension and added to that pain. For the sake of all the suffering families in the Castlederg area I think it is now essential that the full weight of the office of First Minister and Deputy First Minister is utilised to help resolve the current matter."

SDLP commend Ulster Rugby fun day at Strabane Academy

This week the SDLP in Strabane commend Ulster Rugby Club for holding an open training session at Strabane Academy, with fans also having the chance to meet their rugby heroes.

SDLP Strabane Town Councillor Patsy Kelly said “I would like to thank the Ulster Rugby team for coming to Strabane and allowing fans to watch the squad train. This was great for sport, and in particular local rugby in Strabane. It was great to see people there from all walks of life both young and old, and showed that events like this can be enjoyed with cross-community support.”

“In conjunction with the Ulster squad training session, Strabane Rugby club ran a great family fun day with bouncy castles and all sorts of entertainment for the family. When the training session was finished the Ulster players took time to meet their fans and sign autographs.”

Also attending the event was Strabane SDLP Youth Chairperson Seon Devine who said “It was great as a young fan; it was great to be able to meet my heroes in Strabane without having to travel to the likes of Belfast or Dublin to see them. This shows that there is no reason why more events like this can’t be held in Strabane. I would call on Strabane District Council and other relevant authorities to work with local clubs to encourage more events like this to happen.”

SDLP welcome work on Railway Road Footpaths

This week the SDLP in Strabane has welcomed the work on the Railway Road footpaths that will be transformed into a public seating area.

West-Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne said “It is great to see this work on-going and a snippet of how the Railway Road will look with its new footpaths. The whole of the Railway Road is due to be refurbished with new footpaths down to the ASDA roundabout. This will give the area a great boost not only in terms of business but tourism as well; a nicer town means more tourists.”

“The stretch of footpath directly in front of the Farmers Home will be made into a public seating area complete with benches and flower baskets. This will allow any walkers or shoppers to rest their weary legs while enjoying what Strabane as a town has to offer.”

“The SDLP have been constantly fighting for schemes such as this to refurbish Strabane and give it a fresher look for residents and visitors. This is a positive step and the SDLP will continue to fight for more schemes like this to take place at both at both Strabane District Council and Stormont.”

Kelly: Delay over business case into DARD relocation ‘unacceptable’

SDLP Councillor Patsy Kelly has said the Minister for Agriculture Michelle O’Neill must release a business case on the relocation of DARD Headquarters to Ballykelly.

Mr Kelly said:

“It is almost a year since Minister Michelle O’Neill made a decision to relocate DARD headquarters to Ballykelly without conducting an effective business case. I have consistently called for her to bring forward a business case for this decision which she has failed to do. This is a totally unacceptable state of affairs.

“It is deeply disappointing for people living in Strabane that they have been overlooked on this occasion particularly when the Minister has said the decision took into account factors such as socio-economic profile, deprivation and unemployment levels.

“Given the historic levels of underinvestment and resultant unemployment in Strabane it was imperative that the Minister took that into account and looked at all of her options. An effective business case would have assisted her in making a final decision.

“If the Minister is committed to the decentralisation of DARD then she must seriously pursue a business case for the most suitable location. One year on it is time for the Minister to get straight with the people of Strabane.”

Kelly urges Councils to clean up roads ahead of Fleadh

SDLP Councillor Patsy Kelly has called on councils to join together to ensure that roads and streets are cleaned up ahead of the All-Ireland Fleadh Cheoil which starts in Derry on Sunday 11 August.
Mr Kelly said:
“It is a great honour for Derry to host this year’s All-Ireland Fleadh Cheoil, which is expected to draw crowds of up to 150,000. It promises to be an enriching cultural experience for all those attending.
“It is important that Councils adopt a collaborative approach and make sure that those travelling to the City of Culture see our roads and streets looking their best.
“Strabane district council has been working extremely hard to ensure that roads leading to Derry are attractive and inviting. The Fleadh is an opportunity to sell the North West and we must do all we can to ensure visitors feel welcome.”