Tuesday 28 January 2014

Byrne meets Special Olympics athlete from Strabane at Stormont event

SDLP MLA for West Tyrone Joe Byrne today met with Special Olympics participants at Stormont, including an athlete from Strabane.   

The MLA attended the Ulster Special Olympics Athletes awareness and information event where he met two local people - Mr Billy Mc Intyre and his step-son Julian.

Mr Byrne said Julian will be competing at the All Ireland Special Olympics finals in Limerick in June.

The MLA said: “It was great to see the energy and enthusiasm of the Special Olympian Athletes who attended the event.

“Special Olympics Ireland is a fantastic organisation that is providing great encouragement and support to these special people who are so keen to partake in athletics and other sports.”

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Byrne: Cap money for rural development still in doubt

Joe Byrne, SDLP MLA and Vice Chair of the Assembly Agriculture Committee, says the CAP money for Rural Development is still in doubt since the High Court action between the two Executive ministers in December.

Speaking after the Rural Development debate in the Assembly on Monday Joe Byrne said: ‘’The debate on Rural Development in relation to Pillar 1 to Pillar 11 transfers has gleaned no further progress from the DARD Minister or from the Executive as a whole. The turf war squabble between Minister O Neill and Minister Hamilton is still on-going, and no sign of a resolution in sight.

“The conclusion of the debate whereby the DUP and Sinn Fein jointly defeated the substantive debate adds further fuel to the debate they are both more interested in potential squabbling for electoral purposes.

“Unfortunately, the real interest of farmers and the rural community, in general, has not yet been tackled by Minister O’Neill with her colleague Minister Hamilton. Both Ministers, and both the DUP and Sinn Fein seem intent on prolonging the squabble and milking it for pure political gamesmanship.’’

KELLY: Single Farm Payment delays leaving farmers under pressure

SDLP Strabane councillor Patsy Kelly says delays in Single Farm Payments are leaving some farmers under pressure and struggling to pay bills.

Cllr Kelly says concern is mounting as some farmers have revealed they are facing pressure to pay their autumn bills.

Mr Kelly said: “The picture is really only starting to emerge. Farmers who have contacted the SDLP say they were expecting to receive their Single Farm Payment two to three weeks ago. They’re saying they would use that payment to pay suppliers for a variety of items, such as meal and fuel bills and, in some cases, the banks.

“Now, they’re saying they've been told their land is to be inspected and they’ll have to just wait. Farmers are saying they should have been forewarned that payment would be delayed because at least they would have had time to make alternative arrangements to pay off suppliers and keep them happy, and in other cases, negotiate with the bank.

“What we’re seeing is serious pressure being placed on the finances of some farmers, and their cash flow. In some cases there is already enough pressure, so they don’t need this.

“I will be raising the matter with our Agriculture spokesperson, West Tyrone MLA Joe Byrne, who is vice-chairperson of the Assembly Agriculture Committee, to ensure the concerns of farmers are heard at the Assembly."

Kelly: Dereliction funding a welcome boost for Strabane

SDLP councillor Patsy Kelly says £200,000 of dereliction funding allocated to Strabane District will give a welcome boost to the areas where the money will be spent.

The funding allocated last summer by the Department of Environment is to address dereliction in Strabane town centre, Castlederg, Newtownstewart and Dunamanagh.

Cllr Kelly said: “Work has started on tidying up derelict areas in Strabane town centre, and I think this will really make a visual difference to the area. There are a lot of traders in Strabane District who take real pride in their frontages and take a lot of effort to make their businesses look inviting but, in the nearby vicinity there are run down, dilapidated buildings that bring them down.  

“This funding means the environment can be improved and, in turn, that will hopefully encourage more people to visit them. This funding will be used to make Strabane District a more attractive place to work and visit, and encourage new businesses to trade.”

Wednesday 8 January 2014

SDLP: The People's A5 Must be Delivered

West Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne has this week called on the Department of Regional Development to make the completion of the new A5 Western Transport Corridor a priority following tragic start to New Year.

Speaking on the matter Mr Byrne said "It is unfortunate that last year we lost a number of lives on this road and that in 2014 we have had to start the New Year with further carnage and loss of life on the current sub-standard A5. The SDLP in West Tyrone have been fully committed to delivering the A5 for the people of the North West. I have personally been lobbying for this road since the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998.  Unfortunately the Minister and his Department are constantly blocking the roads completion, hiding behind legal red tape. These excuses are wearing very thin. I fully believe that the construction of the new A5 road would greatly improve safety for drivers and reduce fatalities suffered on our roads following 56 fatalities across the North in 2013."

"The new A5 would bring a raft of advantages to the North West. Not only in terms of safety but also economic advantages. Areas like Strabane have been constantly disadvantaged due to poor infrastructure. This ultimately puts off potential investors and any potential jobs prospect. I see the New A5 as the greatest opportunity to bring the North West of Ireland, to an equal footing in terms of economic investment, with the rest of the province."

"This road is not only essential at present, but is essential for our future and the future of our children and grandchildren. This road will bring jobs to an area that has seen very little effort made by central government to reduce unemployment. It is time the A5 is brought back to the forefront of the political picture. We in the SDLP will not allow this issue to slide off Ministers desk or fall below the radar as certain political parties would hope. We will make it very clear, both locally and in Stormont, the People of the West deserve better and will not accept any further excuses. This is about saving lives and building a sustainable future in the Northwest."

McIntyre: Attempted Robbery of Castlederg Business condemned

SDLP Candidate Jim McIntyre has this week condemned the attempted robbery of a Castlederg business and threat to its owner.

Mr McIntyre said; "This attempted robbery of a small business in the Diamond area of Castlederg Town centre is a disgusting act committed by those who apparently have no respect for the community or work of small businesses. It is believed the incident occurred at approximately 2.15pm and that one man, armed with a knife, entered the premises and demanded money."

"My thoughts go to the owner of the business who had to endure this awful and stressful ordeal and should be commended for their brave actions which stopped the robbery and resulted in the thug leaving the business empty handed."

"January is a difficult time for many small businesses without this cowardly threat and attack. There has been a spate of attempted robberies across the North West in recent weeks and I would ask that all business owners be vigilant and contact the police should they notice any suspicious activity."

"I would encourage anyone who has information on this incident or the people involved to come forward the PSNI."

Tuesday 7 January 2014

SDLP welcome high levels of Electoral Registration

This week West Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne has welcomed the high levels of Electoral Registration in the West Tyrone Constituency, with an estimated 92.2% of the potential electorate registered.

Welcoming the figures Mr Byrne said “The figures with the Northern Ireland Electoral Office showing West Tyrone has over 92% of the electorate registered. This is pleasing as it shows me that many people still value their vote, and realise the importance of making their voice heard by utilising their right to vote.”

“Equally as impressive is the number of young people who have registered to vote, especially those aged 17 who will be able to eligible to vote in the upcoming European and Local Government elections. Many young people, and indeed all people, who were previously indifferent to the political landscape or unhappy with the status quo, must realise it is only by taking full advantage of their democratic right to vote as the only way to make things change.”

“2014 will be a very busy year in terms of elections and it is only by using your vote will you have a say in how the political landscape is shaped for the next 4 to 5 years. Elections don’t come around very often, and with the introduction of the New Derry and Strabane Super Council it is vitally important that everyone votes as those elected will make decisions that may affect your day to day living.”

“This year there are new seats up for contention with fresh candidates hoping for your vote. I would encourage everyone to look at those new candidates who are running in your area and support fresh politics for a new year.”  

Farming community must not be damaged because of squabbling ministers, warns Byrne

West Tyrone MLA, Joe Byrne has warned the farming community must not suffer because of two Executive ministers who have been embroiled in a legal battle.

Mr. Byrne, who is vice-chairperson of the Assembly Agriculture Committee said:“The farming community must not be damaged because of an ugly squabble between DARD Minister Michelle O’ Neill and Finance Minister Simon Hamilton.

“It seems quite incredible that two Ministers in the Executive Government of Northern Ireland are engaged in a turf war about EU CAP finance earmarked for the Farming and Rural community for the 2014/2020 period. Both Ministers have been involved in a High Court legal battle about the EU CAP monies, in particular Pillar 1 Direct payments and Pillar II Rural Development monies.

“Once again, it would appear the dysfunctional Executive is being exposed now for all to see. Minister Michelle O’ Neill has caved in to the legal challenge by Minister Simon Hamilton without any public explanation.

“The question is, why did Sinn Fein Minister O Neill and DARD take such a gamble on Pillar 1 to Pillar II transfers and not at least keep other Ministers on board for collective approval? Equally, why did Minister Simon Hamilton and DFP not seek open discussion with DARD when political problems arose in late December?

“The farming and rural community in general are now left in a state of confusion, and many people are asking what kind of haphazard devolved government do we have here in Northern Ireland.

“Personally, I believe DARD and the Minister Michelle O’Neill should have been more forthcoming earlier on Pillar 1 to Pillar II intended transfers. The most concerning thing, however, is why is this devolved regional government so lacking in collective and effective decision making.

“The EU officials in Brussels won’t be very impressed or, indeed, happy with this state of affairs regarding how CAP money is being handled here.

“Surely, the DUP First Minister Peter Robinson and the Sinn Fein Deputy First Minster Martin McGuinness are duty bound to sort out these ministerial squabbles between their respective ministerial colleagues before recourse to the High Court.

“The sooner this political mess is cleared up the better for all, especially for all the rural people across the North and everyone engaged in the agri-Food sector.”

Friday 3 January 2014

‘Haass talk’s outcome must be maximised’ says MLA Byrne

Joe Byrne MLA for West Tyrone and one of the SDLP’s negotiators at the Hass Talks over the last 4 months, speaking this week after the conclusion of the marathon discussions said “The conclusion of the Hass Talks on New Year’s Eve is viewed by the SDLP as a qualified success given the complexity of issues under discussion and the challenge of trying to reach a five party consensus outcome.” 

“From an SDLP and Nationalist perspective the concluding seventh draft document does represent quite a successful outcome in terms of dealing with the Past, a more moderate achievement in terms of Parading, and a less than successful outcome in terms of Flags and Emblems. The successive long-term outcome or otherwise of these Haass/O’Sullivan negotiations can only be judged in time as a legislative process must now be embarked upon in Westminster and the Assembly in order to implement agreed outcomes, hopefully concluding in a comprehensive and meaningful mechanism on the matters agreed.” 

“For me personally as a senior SDLP negotiator in this talk’s process, it was a major challenge of the political dynamic now pertaining in the North where five parties were presenting and dealing on their list of issues and policy perspectives pertaining to the three big matters of Flags, Parades and the Past. Given that the First Minister Peter Robinson, and the deputy First Minister Martin McGuiness formally invited Dr Haass and Prof Megan O’Sullivan to convene the talks process back in the summer, it was important to establish a negotiating process to help relieve the political log jam that has bedevilled the Northern Ireland Assembly Executive from functioning smoothly over the last year in particular.”

“The SDLP Party Executive and the Parliamentary Group agreed last night (Thursday) to proceed in a positive way to ask the First Minister and deputy First Minister to immediately convene a five party working group and request that the two Governments jointly push for a legislative programme to implement the agreed issues concluded at this stage and facilitate for agreed outcomes going forward. The proposed Cultural Commission to deal with Flags, Emblems and Identity must report within 18 months on those matters regarding national flags and other symbols flown and displayed in public buildings, either Central Government and/or Local Authority locations.”

“The SDLP set out from the start to engage wider civic society, and victims groups and organisations in particular, in the context of dealing with the past; we were delighted with the public response and the response of victims groups who made over 600 submissions to the Haass process. As a result the matter of dealing with the past became the main item of discussion and indeed success at this stage. On the parading issue, the SDLP from the outset stated that there should be regulation and legislative controls in order to have parades, protest events and commemorative events managed in a more adequate way.” 

“The two main Unionist Parties and the Orange Order in particular wanted no regulation or controls on parades and no legislation in regard to any criteria and code of conduct. From the outset the two Unionist Parties stated that they wanted the Parades Commission abolished which would be a return to mayhem and disorder of such public events. Even though two new bodies are being established to deal with parades and public events, there are some issues that need to be dealt with in legislative terms so that nominated organisers of parades or bands are held accountable for any activities or difficulties that may arise when such public events are held. It is important that the proposed legislation regarding parades and public events is adequate to make sure that parading does not become an ongoing sore that may damage community relations and create further community tensions.”

“The marathon discussions that took place initially in the Europa Hotel, Belfast up until the end of November, and then the more intensive negotiations in December took place in the Stormont Hastings Hotel were a major challenge for the now devolved political process operating in the North of Ireland. Even though the British and Irish Governments are the custodians of the Good Friday Agreement, they were not formally at the table, which may have been a drawback. It is now crucial however that the two Governments use all their good influence so that the Haass talks process outcome is maximised and made effective through legislation in order to have a better functioning democratic political system working smoothly in the North of Ireland.” 

“From a personal perspective being involved in this recent current round of negotiations was very demanding and challenging. It was satisfying to be able to contribute to the SDLP Party input to such political deliberations. Everyone across the North and indeed these islands wants to see progress and less threatening public events disturbing daily life here.”

Kelly expresses sadness at Dunamanagh road death

SDLP Councillor Patsy Kelly has expressed his deep sadness at news of the death of a farmer in a one-vehicle road accident in Dunamanagh.

Mr Kelly said:

“It was with great sadness that I learned of the death of a local farmer earlier today. I am led to believe that there were no others involved as he lost control of his tractor on a patch of black ice.

"This is the worst possible news that any family can receive just a day after Christmas. My immediate thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends in this very difficult time.

"I understand the pressure that farmers are under to continue labour intensive work over the holiday period to provide for their families. I would urge everyone to take extra steps to ensure that they are safe and don't take any unnecessary risks, especially at this time of year.

"I would also appeal to anyone travelling tonight or over the next few days to slow down and exercise caution in the treacherous icy conditions. We don't need any more tragedy on our roads this year"