Wednesday 17 December 2014

Ulster Bank approach betrays an utter lack of social responsibility

SDLP West Tyrone MLA Joe Byrne has said that he is disappointed by the attitude of Ulster Bank following a meeting this morning where he pushed for the retention of services in their Gortin branch.

Ulster Bank has previously indicated that they intend to close the branch servicing the rural village.

Mr Byrne said

“Following the announcement of the closure of several Ulster Bank branches across the North, I was keen to meet with bank officials to pursue the retention of services for the rural area surrounding Gortin. Banking facilities are vital to the lives of small towns and villages across the region and Gortin is no exception.

“I met with officials today and made clear our frustrations with both the process and the outcome of the cavalier decision to close this branch. Ulster Bank saw fit to consult with none of their local customers prior to making this decision and made the announcement of the closure in the media where local people were left to deal with it.

 “Their approach betrays an utter lack of social responsibility. This is a geographically remote and isolated part of the North. Local services like banking are the lifeblood of villages and towns like Gortin and Ulster Bank have decided to cut it off.

“I have asked bank officials to seriously consider retaining a part time service at the Gortin branch. Mondays and Fridays remain the busiest banking days and it may therefore be more viable to open the local bank on those days, offering the company savings and local people an accessible service. I will continue to press for this option to be taken up and look forward to working more constructively with the officials in the weeks and months ahead.”

McCrossan selected to contest West Tyrone Westminster seat

Daniel McCrossan has been selected by SDLP members in West Tyrone to contest next year’s Westminster election.

Speaking after his selection, Mr McCrossan said:

“I am deeply honoured to have been selected by party members in West Tyrone to contest next year’s Westminster election. I plan to repay the faith they have shown in me with a fighting campaign to bring representation back to this part of the North and ensure the voices of local people are heard at the highest levels.

“It has been my great privilege to work with the people of Strabane and Omagh over the last number of years offering support and advice on everything from jobs and benefits to planning and education. Along with other members of the SDLP, we’ve put our shoulders to the wheel to make sure West Tyrone gets the best deal from local councils and from the Assembly. 

“Unfortunately an abstentionist MP has stunted the growth of our towns and singularly failed to advance the interests of the North/West one bit. It’s time to change that. The big decisions that can transform our area, for better or for worse, are taken at Westminster. Welfare reform, corporation tax, freezing fuel bills, the annual budget- these are all issues that can make a real difference to the vulnerable here.

“As a West Tyrone MP, I’ll put people first. We need a robust investment package to create new jobs, form a wage subsidy scheme to lift low paid workers out of poverty and support new graduates into full time employment. My priority is creating communities that people want to live and work in. With the support of local people, I’ll drive a hard bargain with any future Westminster government.”