Thursday 10 January 2013

Re-laying of pipes welcomed in Lisnafin area!

SDLP Sh Cllr Anne Marie Blee has welcomed the re-laying of sewage pipes in the Lisnafin area.

Mrs Blee said “The Sewage pipes in question where causing a lot of bother to residents especially in the last number of weeks due to heavy rain and flooding. The flood waters where unable to escape leaving water and sewage lying on the street.”

“Many residents were concerned for their health and safety due to sewage being deposited on the street. Many residents have young families and fear their children becoming ill due to the lying sewage.”

“Our office was contacted by a number of concerned residents. Upon further investigation by the SDLP team it was discovered that the pipes were being blocked by a mixture of sand and muck that had been washed into the pipes due to heavy rain.”

“We have been in contact with the Northern Ireland Housing Executive in order to get this matter resolved. Our office has now been assured by the Housing Executive that the sewer pipes will be fully re-laid in order to prevent further flooding. This work is due to be carried out within the next number of weeks. We hope that this will further insure the health and safety of residents in the future.”

“I would also like to thank the Housing Executive for their co-operation in order to get this issue resolved.”

SDLP Constituency Representative Daniel McCrossan added “I am happy to see this much needed work being carried out by the Housing Executive. In matters such as these the concerns of residents must be taking very seriously and acted upon as urgently as possible.”   

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