Friday 15 February 2013

Byrne: Invisible Minister failing to give us the full story!

SDLP West Tyrone MLA Joe Byrne has asked the Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development to clarify just exactly when her department knew about instances of horsemeat DNA contamination and to reassure the public as a matter of urgency.

Mr. Byrne said:

“During an Agriculture Committee hearing on 29 January I specifically asked whether there was any potential that Polish imported horsemeat DNA could be found at any Northern Irish Plant or food storage area.
“At a committee hearing on 5 January I raised the issue again of when exactly the Minister for Agriculture was aware of any potential contamination. I was told by a senior DARD official that the department was aware as early as 15 January 2013.
“It is imperative that the Minister clarify when exactly she became aware of contamination and why the Food Standards Authority only initiated its investigation on 4 February.”
“What is quite clear is that DARD and the Minister are not on the front foot in terms of explaining to the public what has or has not happened in the horsemeat scandal which has been unfolding for the last number of weeks. In fact the Minister has been somewhat invisible on this issue.“She has not treated this issue with the urgency it requires and has provided no reassurance to concerned people across Northern Ireland. When will the Minister make a comprehensive statement to the assembly on the burger meat issue? I am calling on the Minister to make a comprehensive statement to the Assembly.
“I want to pay tribute to the local farming industry for doing all they can to promote quality assurance-but the gaps in the processing industry which are not full proof need to be resolved immediately.”

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