Friday 15 February 2013

SDLP listening to concerns of local businesses!

The SDLP has conducted a survey of local businesses to hear, directly, their concerns about the current economic situation and the Executive’s response.

The West Tyrone MLA contacted many local businesses in Castlederg, Strabane and Omagh received responses on a wide variety of issues. Speaking afterwards Mr Byrne said:

“If the Executive is to provide real assistance to small and medium-sized enterprises in this difficult economic climate then they must listen to those businesses.

“The construction industry felt the impact of the cuts in public spending first. Other sectors are also feeling the effects of the austerity measures as the economy continues to stagnate.

“The local SDLP team have contacted businesses across Strabane and Castlederg and Omagh to hear directly from them the issues and ideas they have which the Executive should be addressing. The businesses involved are active in all sectors of the economy - construction, retail, health sector, hospitality, engineering, etc.

“The responses covered a wide variety of topics in a number of areas that local businesses believe government and banks could do more to help.

“Small and medium sized local businesses across Northern Ireland want to develop and expand those businesses to provide more jobs for their communities.

“They need help and advice on the best ways they can achieve that and the response they get from local and central government is, in their experience, failing in a number of areas.

“Constituency Representative, Daniel McCrossan said: whilst I visited the businesses in Castlederg and Strabane a major concern for many was the lack of access to the necessary credit to sustain and invest in their business. The banks do have the means to lend, such as schemes like Funding for Lending, and more can be done between businesses and banks to ensure that proposals are presented in the best possible way.”

“The SDLP will be raising the issues highlighted by this survey with the relevant Ministers in the Executive, and pursing these matters further as Chair of the Enterprise, Trade & Investment Committee. The SDLP will work with local businesses, across the north, on individual matters of finance and advice.

“The SDLP will also be hosting a business forum later this year where businesses can deal directly with finance and advice services on the issues that directly affect their business.”

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