Tuesday 26 March 2013

SDLP: Unemployment Figures Point To Failed Strategies

SDLP MLA Joe Byrne  has expressed concern that new unemployment figures show efforts made by the economic ministries in the Executive are not working, and has called for Ministers to 'get real' on job creation.

Wed 20th March

Mr Byrne said:

“The news today that 1,923  people are currently in receipt of unemployment benefit in the Strabane area is a worrying upward trend, and should serve as a wakeup call to Executive Ministers that their attempts to revive the economy are not working. Almost 65,000 people across the North are now out of work, a large - and growing proportion of those are young people. I have long called for the Department of Employment and Learning in particular to get serious about the impact joblessness is having on the next generation, and for too long they have offered piecemeal platitudes and PR stunts.

All our economic departments must realise that until we can tackle unemployment head on by creating sustainable jobs and attracting long term investment, we are condemning those we serve to a bleak future, and the SDLP has not and will not stand silent and allow the responsible Ministers and their departments to continue to fail and the economy flounders.

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