Wednesday 6 March 2013


An invaluable voice for real and meaningful change!

People of Mid Ulster, tomorrow should be an easy decision...

Here are some factors you should consider..

Look at your children and think about their future... Look at the many problems the people of your communities are suffering each and every minute of every day.. Young families, single mothers, the elderly, the unemployed, the graduates without jobs or opportunities...

look at the many SMEs who are struggling to break even and motivated through this challenging and difficult economic climate.

Look at the events of the last few months and how tribal politics has destroyed the reputation of this region which had taken 15 years to build!

Look at how tribal politics has attempted to dismantle the peace process!

Take into consideration how the DUP and SF have acted/not acted on the demanded shared future approach, vital for the future progression of the north and for a stable and prosperous future for my generation and the generations to come!

Other parties have failed in their endeavours to be the voice of reason, hope or betterment for those in need in Mid Ulster now and in the past.. the SDLP will not fail you! Patsy McGlone will not fail you!

This election must not be about the green and orange politics of the past! This election must be about the future of our communities and upcoming generations, a shared future to the benefit of everyone must be the only thought on your mind in 2013!

The answer is clear, your voice, your hope for change is PATSY MCGLONE! Vote for a man of the people, vote Patsy McGlone tomorrow.(7 March)

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