Thursday 23 May 2013

Byrne: Banks Must Give Urgent Help To Farmers

During a debate in Stormont on Tuesday 21st May relating to Farm Incomes; Joe Byrne, MLA for West Tyrone and Vice-Chair of the Assembly Agricultural Committee, called on the local Banks in Northern Ireland to show more flexibility and outlined the need for extended credit facilities to many farm businesses that are in dire need of help at this time.

During the debate Mr Byrne emphasised the need for banks to recognise the current difficulties that many farmers face due to the weather related problems and the shortage of fodder.

The motion on falling farm incomes proposed by Joanne Dobson MLA (UUP) was amended by Mr Byrne in relation to Bank credit facilities. In reference to the Agri-food strategy report published last week, Mr Byrne called on Minister O’Neill to declare the Executive’s position on the need for £ 400 million pounds of government support over the next 3 to 4 years to kick start the Agri-Strategy for the following 10 years.

Speaking after the debate Mr Byrne stated:

“I put down the amendment relating to bank credit facilities because many farmers are in a precarious position financially, whereby many of them are operating at their credit limit but need further short term credit facilities to deal with fodder and feed shortages.

“My fear is that some banks will not be sensible and sensitive to some farmer’s problems and unfortunately, some farm businesses may go bankrupt.

“I was pleased that it was a mature debate which demonstrated the concern of many MLAs about the current farming situation. We all want to see a farming industry and Agri-Food sector growing and developing over the next 10 years, but we recognise the short term difficulties that we must address to ensure that these farm businesses survive.”

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