Wednesday 8 May 2013

Byrne: Greenfield home must be retained

Joe Byrne SDLP MLA for West-Tyrone talking about the Greenfield Residential Home issue, in a statement said “The SDLP in Strabane and myself as an MLA for West-Tyrone have been working tirelessly for two days on the issue of Greenfield Residential Home which the Western Care Trust seem hell-bent on closing. A team of SDLP activists in Strabane and me visited Greenfield home on Wednesday night and met residents, their families, as well as the staff. We also met the Health Trust Management team dealing with residential home care across West-Tyrone.”

“On Thursday, four of us travelled to the Trust Headquarters in Altnagelvin in Derry, and we handed in two official letters about the residential home to the Chief Executive of the WCT and the Chairperson of the board.”

“The letter emphasises the need for the Trust to recognise the case for retaining a publically owned residential home in Strabane. The long term residents of Greenfield Home and their families need the support of the community to halt the possible closure of this home. I would contend that the Trust should carry out a full analysis and evaluation in order to ensure that all possible options are fully examined, to try and keep this residential home within the public service provision for healthcare.”

“As a political party the SDLP are committed to the residents and all concerned with Greenfield Home. The residents and staff should not have to experience the current uncertainty regarding their future, just because Trust management have decided to be cavalier and insensitive to the community’s needs. We must fight even if it means meeting the First Minister and deputy First Minister. The Minister for health Mr Poots must restrain the Health Trusts management in their ulterior motives for closing these residential homes.”

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