Wednesday 8 May 2013


Reacting today to the fresh news that the Farm-Aid Scheme is still not finalised or agreed by the executive, Joe Byrne SDLP MLA said:
“I have just learned that the weekly Executive meeting is cancelled and the special ARD committee meeting that was to take place afterwards has also been cancelled.
“I have been contacted by some farming representatives who are asking me why the continued delay in the farm aid scheme being allowed to happen without any degree of urgency by DARD.
“The handling of this issue by DARD is now becoming a joke but unfortunately the farmers affected by it do not find it funny. 
“I am now calling on Minister O’Neill to grasp the nettle and get this Farm-Aid Scheme finalised and cash aid payments made to farmers without any further delay. It is unacceptable that suffering farmers have still seen no cash aid payments after seven weeks since the poor weather.”

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