Wednesday 8 May 2013

SDLP welcome planned repair works for Meetinghouse Street Roundabout

This week the Strabane SDLP has welcomed the commitment of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive, to the repair of the walkway around the Meetinghouse Street Roundabout.

SDLP Constituency Representative Daniel McCrossan explained, “The footpath around the Meeting House Street roundabout has been in a state of disrepair for quite a number of years. When the trees were first planted the Housing Executive put down cobbled bricks around them. Over the last number of years the bricks have started to become dislodged and are a worrying health and safety concern for local residents.”

“The health and safety of residents and the general public was our greatest concern. Our office has been contacted on numerous occasions by residents who have fallen and been badly hurt on the cobbled bricks. The footpath is in close proximity with two Primary Schools and a local church. The SDLP in Strabane has had a number of meetings regarding the issue with Housing Executive officials. Our office had been assured on a number of separate occasions that this work would be completed.”

“We have now pressed the Housing Executive for a firm commitment to the much needed repair work. I am now happy to report the Housing Executive has given this commitment and work is scheduled to begin in the next number of months. The Housing Executive has confirmed that the bricks will be removed and replaced with grass. The whole area will be landscaped in due course. The SDLP in Strabane believe these will safe guard the health and safety of residents and the public in the future.”

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