Wednesday 8 May 2013

SDLP welcome repair work to footpaths in Victoria Bridge

This week the SDLP in Strabane has welcomed the repair works currentlybeing carried out on a number of footpaths in the Victoria Bridge area.

SDLP representative Mary McCrossanhas welcomed the repair works and said “The footpaths in question have been inneed of repair for quite some time. Our office on Butcher Street and ourrepresentatives on the ground have been contacted on numerous occasions byresidents, regarding the state of the footpath and the dangers it currentlyposes. The footpaths are very well used by residents both young and old.”

“The footpaths were cracked andstarting to break up around the edges. This posed quite a serious health andsafety hazard for anyone using the footpaths.”  

“Following contact with DRD RoadsService, I am pleased to see the work to repair the footpaths in question beingcarried out. These repair works will have a significant improvement on thequality of the footpaths in Victoria Bridge especially in terms of usabilityand safety. I hope these works will help to secure the future health and safetyof residents in Victoria Bridge.”   

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