Monday 24 June 2013


SDLP Councillor Patsy Kelly has questioned the inflexible attitude of the National Trust after a busload of tourists was turned away from Gray’s printers this weekend.

Mr Kelly said:

“I am deeply disappointed that a busload of tourists was turned away from Gray’s printing press this weekend because they hadn’t given two weeks’ notice of an intention to visit the National Trust site. Gray's teas room which is attached to Gray's printing press provides a very welcoming space for visitors and has also missed out on tourist's visits.
“We should be sending out a clear message that the North is a welcome place for tourists and open for business. Instead we have a strict adherence to rules by the National Trust which defies belief.

“In this part of the North we can be very proud not only of the historic Gray’s printing press but also President Wilson’s homestead, both of which hold a great interest for tourists.

“I would ask the Minister for Culture, Arts and Leisure to explain why Strabane seems to being placed in a second class position when it comes to tourism, and in particular in light of an inflexible approach from the National Trust towards the area.”

Thursday 20 June 2013

Byrne: Commitment to the A5 of utmost importance

SDLP MLA for West Tyrone and Vice Chair of the Assembly Agricultural Committee Joe Byrne has expressed his concern that some parties may resign from their collective commitment to the A5 Project. 

Speaking after yesterday's Assembly debate Mr Byrne said:
"I put down the amendment with the express intention of ensuring renewed executive commitment to the A5 project. It remains that the road is of crucial importance on a number of fronts. It is noteworthy that subsequent to the St Andrew's agreement this major flagship peace dividend project was earmarked as a national primary route for joint Government support and action. 

"The people of Donegal, Derry and in my own constituency of West Tyrone view this project as evidence of a firm commitment to peace. It is therefore extremely disappointing that Sinn Fein, the DUP and The Alliance Party may possibly renege on previous commitment to what is an essential project. Further delays and obstacles should not be considered given that the habitats directive requirements are being implemented.

"The purpose of the amendment was to ensure that the £113 million that was earmarked for the project would not return to the Treasury; it is important that the funds are reallocated with the greater public interest at the forefront. One possible project that satisfies these criteria is the A32 'umbilical cord' road between Omagh and Enniskillen. This road needs improvements along certain sections and is particularly relevant as it is an important corridor for health provision.

"I have worked consistently for the vital improvements needed for the A5 for 25 years. It is my hope that the Parties in the assembly will hold steady in their commitment for the road and eventually it will be delivered."

Friday 14 June 2013

SDLP backs petition calling on the UK Government to introduce a new Meningitis B vaccine

This week the SDLP in West Tyrone has fully backed the petition calling on the British Government to introduce a new Meningitis B Vaccine, to prevent the disease from claiming further lives.

West Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne welcomed Marie and Sean Devine from Strabane to Stormont, and commended the hard work by all involved in bringing this issue to the British Government. Mr Byrne said “This has not been an easy journey for both Marie and Sean following the loss of a loved one. Following the tragic circumstances surrounding Terri’s passing, I can only commend the determination and courage shown by all involved, in handing in the ‘Time for Terri’ petition calling for a vaccine to be introduced. “

“Meningitis and septicaemia affect around 3,600 people in the UK and Ireland annually and meningococcal B disease is responsible for the majority of cases of disease in the UK and Ireland. These diseases can strike anyone without warning, killing one in ten, and leaving a quarter of survivors with life altering effects as severe as deafness, brain damage and loss of limbs. As a parent myself I couldn’t imagine the heartache of losing a child to this terrible disease.”

“We in the SDLP are in full favour of this petition and I would strongly urge action from the British government to prevent further loss of life. What a great way to celebrate Terri’s life, by ensuring that this disease does not claim more innocent lives.”

Kelly : DRD need to fund North West cycling infrastructure

SDLP Strabane Councillor Patsy Kelly has called on the Minister of Regional Development for greater promotion of cycling in the North West. 

Cllr Patsy Kelly said; “Cycling is becoming a very popular recreational activity in Northern Ireland. Cycling is one of the easiest ways to fit exercise into your daily routine, because it’s also a form of transport which is free. Not only does it save you money, but helps to get you fit and is good for the environment.

“Cycling in the North West is perfect way to see Ireland, as you pass through several different countries and through the towns of Strabane, Omagh, Enniskillen and Sligo. Our existing cycle paths are mostly traffic free and they utilizes the beautiful country roads surrounding our towns.

“I am calling on Minister of Regional Development Danny Kennedy for investment to be put into promoting the potential for cycling in the North West. Increased investment and promotion for cycling in the North West will have a positive impact on tourism and job opportunities in the areas. 

Kelly : Strabane needs a one way traffic system

SDLP Strabane Councilor Patsy Kelly has called on the  Minister of Regional Development for introduction of a one way traffic system in Strabane town Centre.

Councilor Patsy Kelly: Bringing in a one way system would greatly improve the traffic flow around the town centre. Residents have been contacting our office to express their concerns around a number of bottleneck junctions within Strabane, Bridge Street and Railway Street have been highlighted as problem junctions. 

“When you have serious congestion within a town centre, then this has a knock-on effect for local businesses. Through trade lost because of customers or staff stuck in traffic jams or customers being put off coming into town altogether. Additional to this there has been problems with number of cars parked within the town, which at peak times make it difficult for drivers to negotiate. 

“Introducing a one way system will focus on reducing congestion around Strabane, allowing for more free-flowing traffic and helping to encouraging more use of public and sustainable transport. I call on the Roads Service and Minister Danny Kennedy to take urgent action to address the congestion problems in Strabane, before it gets any worse.