Thursday 20 June 2013

Byrne: Commitment to the A5 of utmost importance

SDLP MLA for West Tyrone and Vice Chair of the Assembly Agricultural Committee Joe Byrne has expressed his concern that some parties may resign from their collective commitment to the A5 Project. 

Speaking after yesterday's Assembly debate Mr Byrne said:
"I put down the amendment with the express intention of ensuring renewed executive commitment to the A5 project. It remains that the road is of crucial importance on a number of fronts. It is noteworthy that subsequent to the St Andrew's agreement this major flagship peace dividend project was earmarked as a national primary route for joint Government support and action. 

"The people of Donegal, Derry and in my own constituency of West Tyrone view this project as evidence of a firm commitment to peace. It is therefore extremely disappointing that Sinn Fein, the DUP and The Alliance Party may possibly renege on previous commitment to what is an essential project. Further delays and obstacles should not be considered given that the habitats directive requirements are being implemented.

"The purpose of the amendment was to ensure that the £113 million that was earmarked for the project would not return to the Treasury; it is important that the funds are reallocated with the greater public interest at the forefront. One possible project that satisfies these criteria is the A32 'umbilical cord' road between Omagh and Enniskillen. This road needs improvements along certain sections and is particularly relevant as it is an important corridor for health provision.

"I have worked consistently for the vital improvements needed for the A5 for 25 years. It is my hope that the Parties in the assembly will hold steady in their commitment for the road and eventually it will be delivered."

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