Tuesday 17 September 2013

Byrne: DARD failing farmers on advanced Single Farm Payment

SDLP Agricultural Spokesperson and MLA for West Tyrone Joe Byrne has slammed DARD and the Minister for Agriculture on Northern Ireland’s failure to get an advanced payment in October on the 2013 Single Farm Payment scheme.

Mr Byrne was commenting following an Assembly debate which touched on the EU Farm Ministers meeting in Brussels that allows for an advanced 50% upfront payment to be made in October on this year’s Single Farm Payment.
He said:
“Northern Ireland appears to be the only region that will not be able to avail of this scheme because DARD administrative systems have once again failed the interests of our farming community.
“Unfortunately the Minister, Michelle O Neill, still doesn’t ‘get it’; quite simply her department is not fit for purpose in how it administers the Single Farm Payment system for the North of Ireland.
“I am deeply disappointed that the Minister fails to acknowledge and accept that the senior management of DARD are not currently capable of effectively managing the EU Single Farm Payments system.
“Northern Ireland’s farmers once again are going to suffer. They will not be getting any advanced payment cheque in October which they are entitled to, but will have to suffer another cash flow crisis this winter.”

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