Wednesday 4 December 2013

Byrne: Buy Local and support local businesses

SDLP MLA for West Tyrone Joe Byrne is urging shoppers to back local traders during Small Business Saturday this weekend which aims to get shoppers to support small independent retailers.

The assemblyman said: “Small Independent retailers in both Omagh and Strabane districts have contributed and continue to contribute greatly to our economy and should be supported.

“A recent report from the Federation of Small Businesses shows “for every £1 spent with a small or medium-sized business 63p was re-spent in the local area compared to 40p in every £1 spent with a larger business”.

“Vibrant and viable town centres are dependent on these small business traders to bring variety and enhance the customers shopping experience.

“It is encouraging that the Regional Development Minister has relaxed the parking charges so that shoppers will be encouraged to shop in the town centres and support local small businesses.

“My message is ‘Buy Local and Support Local Businesses.’’

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