Wednesday 4 December 2013

Byrne: Vital Consumer Council is maintained

Joe Byrne, SDLP MLA for West Tyrone, says it is vital the Consumer Council is maintained and funded to empower consumers when purchasing goods or services.

The assemblyman said: “Consumers need a strong voice to speak out for them. They need a body to deal with consumer enquires and complaints. They need someone to listen and respond to their collective views.

“When consumers have a complaint they want a friendly voice or face to deal with it. They should not be forced to pay for advocacy advice when the Consumer Council can deal with such an issue efficiently and effectively.

“In talking to the Consumer Council I found out one consumer in Omagh had received an electricity bill for over £800 for a property she had rented but had moved from. This bill was subsequently reduced to under £20.

“Another consumer in Strabane received a bill from the Water Service for £2,552.72 and, when this complaint was investigated by the Consumer Council the Water Service agreed to look at the average daily consumption. As a result of this, the bill was reduced to £246.03.

“The Consumer Council is delivering. As many families and individuals are suffering economically consumer representation should be strengthened not weakened. Now, more than ever, we need a voice like the Consumer council to represent us.”

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