Tuesday 10 December 2013

Kelly: Call for FOI on business case into DARD relocation

SDLP Councillor Patsy Kelly has welcomed support from his council colleagues for his motion calling for a Freedom of Information request regarding the Agriculture Minister’s business case on the relocation of DARD Headquarters to Ballykelly.

Cllr Kelly was speaking after the motion won support at a meeting of Strabane Council last night.

Cllr Kelly said: “I am delighted to have received support for the motion, which was seconded by Sinn Fein.

“We were told months ago the business case into why the DARD jobs are going to Ballykelly was ready but, still, there is no sign of it and that is unacceptable. The people of Strabane need to know how and why Minister Michelle O’Neill made the decision to relocate DARD headquarters to Ballykelly.

“I hope with this support from Council, as a corporate body, a loud and clear message has been sent to the minister and she is listening, and she will reveal her business case as to why Ballykelly was chosen over Strabane.”

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