Monday 3 February 2014


SDLP Derg Candidate Jim McIntyre has welcomed Cllr Hussey’s endorsement of the SDLP’s welcome of the dereliction funding now being deployed in Castlederg town centre.  Mr McIntyre responding to Cllr Hussey’s confusion welcomed the comments and clarified the SDLP position on the issue of dereliction.

Mr McIntyre said “I agree with Cllr Hussey that these environmental improvements are long overdue and very much welcome at a time when our town centres and small businesses are struggling.  Whilst I congratulate Mr Hussey on his continuing hard work, I must also point out that the SDLP have proactively highlighted the state of these properties and have written to the Minister for the Environment and DSD on several occasions.”

“Joe Byrne MLA and I discussed such issues regarding Castlederg with our SDLP colleague Minister Alex Attwood and his successor Mark H Durkan who then granted the £200,000 funding to Strabane Council to allocate across the district in a bid to tackle derelict eyesores such as these.”

“I would also ask Cllr Hussey to refresh his memory to the summer when Joe Byrne MLA and I escorted Minister Durkan to a number of derelict sites around Castlederg town where he engaged with local business owners and residents.  Whilst I stand to be corrected, I recall Cllr Hussey ‘popping over’ requesting a quick word with the SDLP team on the ground that morning. I also recall a group picture including Cllr Hussey with SDLP representatives and the Minister outside a local business.”

“I struggle to understand how Cllr Hussey has ‘no recollection of SDLP Representatives addressing the issue of dereliction in the Derg area’ when he met with the SDLP group that morning and even found time to pose for a picture which I have provided to refresh his memory.”

Mr McIntyre concluded by adding “I would invite Cllr Hussey to enlighten me further as to when the UUP Minister visited the people of Castlederg and whether he delivered anything of real benefit? The same question can be posed quite strongly to the three Sinn Fein Councillors regarding their many Ministers and whether local people have benefited. The SDLP MLA Joe Byrne and I will continue lobbying on any issues of concern to Castlederg Residents. I would also like to thank my SDLP colleague Alex Attwood for allocating the £200,000 and Mark Durkan for his visit to the Derg.”

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