Tuesday 29 April 2014

ASH pledges support for ovarian cancer awareness campaign


SDLP Derg Candidate Marie Ash has pledged her support for a specific ovarian cancer awareness campaign.

 "Research has shown that 37 per cent women in Northern Ireland are not at all confident about identifying the symptoms. That is a startling figure and something must be done to rectify that, which is why a specific awareness campaign for ovarian cancer is so urgently needed.   
"It is also alarming, and shocking, that 38 cancer drugs are not available to cancer patients in Northern Ireland.
"My party MP's have pledged to do what they can to make sure that message gets to Westminster, and in the SDLP will do what we can to change that.

"The SDLP are proactively lobbying Westminster to establish a much needed Cancer Drugs Fund for Northern Ireland.
"The discrimination that currently exists against cancer patients because of where they live must end and, together with our health spokesperson, Fearghal McKinney MLA  - who has taken up the fight at Assembly level on behalf of patients with the government, demanding immediate action to end discrimination against cancer patients in Northern Ireland and start saving lives - the SDLP will continue to support this fight and work to affect change."

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