Tuesday 22 April 2014

SDLP Position on abortion is clear, Sinn Fein’s is not

SDLP Position on abortion is clear, Sinn Fein’s is not


Sinn Fein can fool some of the people some of the time, most of the people most of the time but Sinn Fein will not fool all of the people all of the time. 

Following the recent controversy regarding a Sinn Fein letter about abortion, the SDLP once again clarifies its position in policy terms regarding this delicate and fundamental matter.

“The SDLP has always been a pro-life party and this has been reaffirmed at our party conference last year. Sinn Féin, in a recent letter attempting to clarify their position on abortion, equated their policy to ours. This is not the case.
“Just over three months ago Martina Anderson voted for the ‘Estrela' report in the European Parliament. This report sought to make abortion a human right, a personal choice in any circumstance. Contradictory messages have been coming from Sinn Féin on abortion for a number of years; the SDLP will make its own statements on its own policy.
“Sinn Féin should withdraw their letter and refrain from quoting the policy of other political parties and members of the Catholic Church in order to attempt to make their confused position easier to understand.

Fearghal McKinney MLA - SDLP Health Spokesperson  

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