Friday 28 November 2014

Byrne: DARD Minister needs to be active in Europe on Dairy Crisis

Joe Byrne SDLP MLA and vice chair of the Assembly Agriculture Committee voiced his concern over the increasing strain on the dairy industry. Mr Byrne said:

“The time has come for the Agriculture Minister to lead a delegation to Brussels on the current farming crisis within the Dairy Milk Industry.

“For months the price of farm gate milk has dropped to 24/25 pence per litre, about 3 pence below the cost of production. This is causing big cash flow problems for many of our dairy farmers. The Ukraine political turmoil which has resulted in the Russian imports ban on EU food products has depressed milk and dairy produce prices on the world market.

“EU action is now needed on this matter with national and regional governments in order to deal with the milk crisis as it affects farmers. Concerted action is needed, and indeed direct intervention is now required with adequate financial resources to stabilise the market. A private storage scheme of Intervention along with export grants is needed over the next year in order to stabilise the milk market across Europe.

''Dard must give a lead on this issue and by some positive action signal to the farming community that the Assembly and the Department of Agriculture are willing to fight for farmers in London and Brussels.

“DARD indifference on the plight of the dairy farmer is now in question on this issue. Dairy farmers and the Agri sector need to see the Minister of Agriculture, Assembly and DARD dealing with the poor farm gate prices as a current priority. They need to know their interests are being protected at the highest level.''

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