Friday 28 November 2014


November 25, 2014

The disgusting and despicable actions of Gregory Campbell and Gerry Adams over the last 48 hours must not extinguish our hope of building a united and shared society.

Our people throughout the North must ask themselves one honest question. What do we want for our children’s future? Do we want our children to suffer the same economic and social depression as we currently endure? Those are hard questions, but one we must seriously consider in order to move our society forward together.

The disrespectful comments by Gregory Campbell do not represent the views of the wider Protestant, Unionist community and the appalling insults hurled by Gerry Adams do not represent the wider views of the Catholic, Nationalist community. Our communities as one are disgusted with the DUP/SF and their divisive point scoring agendas.

As they rip each other apart, we have people dying in their homes and in our hospitals, because we as a society do not have the same access to cancer drugs as the rest of the UK. Unlike the two parties (DUP/SF) cancer does not discriminate and this should be a priority for the Stormont administration. It is quite clear Sinn Fein and the DUP have no intention to put our people first and endeavour to simply hold us all back and starve our children from the futures they deserve.

The poisonous venom engraved into the stone hearts of the DUP/SF extremists can only be extracted by the electorate, our people, who can make the right decision in the next election and vote for the moderate parties. The SDLP alongside the UUP delivered us all the greatest gift of peace and the opportunity to build a united and shared future together; we must not allow SF and the DUP to drag us back!

Send a strong message to the Robinson and McGuinness Punch and Judy show – The SDLP, with its core values of a reconciled people living in a united, just and prosperous New Ireland delivered in the past and will deliver again!

Anne Marie Blee, Strabane

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