Friday 21 November 2014

The Executive Must Deliver Jobs for Strabane - McIntyre

SDLP Strabane Chairman and Sperrin Representative Jim McIntyre presented the following motion on behalf of the good people of Strabane at this years SDLP conference help last weekend. 

Conference notes that Strabane was, and continues to be an economic black spot in terms of investment and job creation by Central Government. Conference calls on the Northern Ireland Executive to deliver a major public jobs initiative to the Strabane district area in order to tackle the legacy of unemployment in that part of the Northwest.

Mr McIntyre Said:

The current state of the Northern Ireland Economy is so fragile that 2015 will continue to spell disaster and desperate struggle for the survival of many small to medium sized businesses particularly in retailing, construction and the service sector.

Across 2014 we have witnessed the end of many such businesses who simply could not sustain themselves in such harsh economic times. As months pass we continue to witness the end of many large construction companies as they struggle to survive, and more retail business ceasing trading in town centres such as my home town of Strabane. This devastating recession of depression has unfortunately driven well established businesses, in families for generations into administration or bankruptcy.

This devastating economic struggle is being endured by many businesses at this time, continually leading to further bankruptcies, increased unemployment and a growing deprivation throughout our struggling communities communities.

The austerity measures in terms of increased charges for public services and less public sector capital projects being initiated means that the downward spiral of the local economy is only adding to the already very high levels of unemployment and reduced economic activity locally. This will not be helped by the DUP/SF agreed austerity budget which is bad for people and bad for politics.

The big challenge now is for the Northern Ireland Executive to manage its financial resources more effectively in order to focus on some regeneration and targeted capital works programmes to create a local stimulus, particularly for the construction industry. The test now for the Executive is to see if regional Government decision making can be pursued more vigorously in order to get better economic performance.

Tackling the depressing reality of rising unemployment is the biggest challenge ahead for politicians and Government agencies. This is indeed a rising trend in Strabane and has been for decades. Many industries closed its doors and new opportunities of prospects failed to come. Strabane and its people have been abandoned by Government under direct rule and continue that trend under the Assembly.

Last year under the Department of Agriculture’s plans to decentralise 800 jobs from Belfast. The people of Strabane thought delivery had finally come, or so they thought!
In the assessment criteria carried out by DARD, the Strabane district area topped the poll, yes for all the wrong reasons, unemployment, social deprivation, welfare claimants etc. The people of Strabane acknowledged this report as an appreciation by Government of the difficult reality the Strabane people suffer. This report should have meant Strabane was to be the new home to 800 Government jobs, especially considering the area scored a massive 14 points ahead of the Minister preference in Ballykelly with 73 points to 59.

The Sinn Fein Minister decided Ballykelly was the more suitable location yet has failed to explain why in any justifiable way; no business case has been provided after a number of Freedom of information requests.

The people of Strabane are now certain that a dirty deal was struck between the DUP and SF in their continuing efforts to carve up power for party political advantage at the disadvantage of local people.

 My message to SF and the DUP is this, the people of Strabane deserve better and will have better, the days of neglect and being shafted by Government must end and this party, we a party for social justice and equality must act to ensure Strabane gets the delivery it has been starved from and an end to this blatant discrimination. The SDLP can deliver for Strabane and I urge this conference to make that a priority. I urge conference to lobby the Executive to deliver a major jobs boost to Strabane.

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