Monday 2 February 2015

The 'Anti Equality Act' - An opinion piece by Charlie Goan

The Conscience Clause... Oh where do I begin to explain my utter distaste for this piece of legislation that should be christened the “Anti Equality Act”? We live in a democracy that elected representatives can openly discourage equality on TV, Radio and Social Media. For all who are not yet aware of the Conscience Clause I will give you some examples of what the legislation actually cover.

1.    It would mean that Same Sex Couples would not be allowed to adopt of a Catholic Adoption Agency if the agency objected due to the couples sexual orientation

2.    It would mean a Muslim Baker would not have to bake a Cake with “Pro-Gay” Slogans

3.    It would mean that a Evangelical Photographer could choose whether or not he wanted to photograph a same sex marriage

 If this bill is introduced people who class themselves homosexual will be deprived of services on the head of the service provider. In this day and age NO person should be deprived of any service due to their sexual orientation and personally I am totally and utterly opposed to any such move. The people of Northern Ireland have began to move on and now the DUP are trying to drag us back the 17th century and I tell you this and I tell you no more, the people of Northern Ireland will be dragged back kicking and screaming until someone takes a stand to the terrible homophobic bill. The people of Northern Ireland will overcome the bigots of society and will overcome with strength and conviction.

Mr. Charlie Goan

West Tyrone Youth Representative

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