Thursday 21 January 2016

McCrossan: 1916 is bigger than any party or politician

SDLP West Tyrone MLA Daniel McCrossan has said that the events of 1916 and the commemoration of the Easter Rising is bigger than any political party and any politician.

Mr McCrossan said that he wants to see a year of inclusive commemoration that offers those of all political traditions the opportunity to tell the story of their community and to learn about their own connection to the events of 100 years ago.

Mr McCrossan said: “1916 was a pivotal year in the shaping of Ireland. The rich history of that year, from the march on the GPO to the march on the battlefields of the Somme, belongs to all the people of Ireland. It certainly doesn’t belong to any party or any politician.

“I was disappointed to hear the new First Minister suggest that she will not be associated with the Easter Rising commemoration. That is a step backward. History offers us all a choice – we can become rigid, unyielding and unwilling to accommodate the traditions of others. Or we can learn from the past, embrace the challenges of the present and stretch ourselves to shape a future where everyone is comfortable in our shared experiences. There is a unionist dimension to the Rising, a unique story to be told, just as there is a nationalist dimension to the Somme commemoration which my party will not shirk from. It would be a true loss if Arlene Foster and others chose not to share their story.

“But clearly there are others who believe that the story of the Rising is for them alone to tell. It is not. They believe that the sectarian conflict and violence of the troubles makes them the heir to the legacy of 1916. It does not. And the people of Ireland will not stand by silently as any party or politician attempts to claim sole ownership of our national heritage.”

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