Tuesday 22 January 2013

Acute Mental Services Must be retained in Omagh!

In response to the closing of the consultation period on Transforming Your Care Joe Byrne SDLP MLA for West Tyrone has urged the Minister to retain acute mental health services in Omagh.

In his submission he puts forward the view that there is no medical evidence to support having acute mental health services next to an acute hospital. He said ‘When the decision was made to build an acute mental health unit as part of the new enhanced hospital in Omagh the decision to remove the acute medical services had been made. Therefore this was not part of the consideration at this time. I ask the Minister what has changed.

In making a response to the document he states that ‘the Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital has served the people of the area for over 100 years and indeed has built up medical and nursing expertise in this area.’

This decision is crucial in determining the role and viability of Omagh’s enhanced hospital and to retain the confidence of the local people in Tyrone

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