Tuesday 22 January 2013


Byrne Questions Minister on Single Farm Payment Delays

Joe Byrne SDLP MLA and Deputy Chair of the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development questioned the DARD Minister in a debate on SFP in the assembly on Tuesday 14th January on the delays in SFP that are affecting many farmers in the region.

He said that ‘the SFP is the farmer’s entitlement not a bonus or benefit and is the largest item of revenue that the farmer receives. Delays in payments due to slow processing have a knock on affect as farmers will generally need to buy or owe money for feeds and fertilisers. Delays add pain and frustration to farmers and their suppliers who are all being put under pressure by banks.’

‘Farmers want the Minister to take urgent steps to alleviate the farmers’ problems in relation to and particularly those who have experienced delayed and repeated inspections and consequential delayed payments.  In many cases these are not the fault of the farmer.’

The local economy is also dependent on these payments as when the farmer gets the money it will go into the economy and generate more spending.

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