Tuesday 22 January 2013

Kelly: Minister must clarify future of Strabane Housing Executive office!

SDLP Strabane councillor Patsy Kelly said the Social Development Minister must provide clarity regarding the future of the Housing Executive office in Strabane.

Cllr Kelly said the office was vital for tenants and staff alike.

He was speaking after the announcement that the NIHE was to lose landlord status for the 90,000 homes under its care.

He said: “I’m calling on the Minister for Social Development Nelson McCausland to clarify the future of the staff at Strabane Housing Executive office.

“Will Strabane be designated landlord function? How will that be selected? What are the implications for existing Housing Associations? What work if any will be done to allay the fears of local NIHE staff whose morale is at an all-time low and stress at an all-time high given the inevitable impact of Welfare Reform on housing and on jobs in Housing Benefit?

“The Strabane office is a vital link for people in housing need where they can have face-to-face discussion with people they know and who are best placed to help them. There have been rumours that there will be a local hub set up and that the new hub which will cover Strabane will be based in Derry. This needs clarity immediately.

“Many people who need the local office simply cannot afford to travel to Derry or even further afield to tackle problems they may have with housing.

"NIHE has performed a hugely important role for over 40 years and has, in the main, done so with distinction.

“This decision has caused no little amount of fear, anxiety and stress to local people and staff. That cannot continue.”

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