Tuesday 22 January 2013

Cllr Rosemarie Shields Welcomes Community Funding for Carrickmore

Mid-Tyrone SDLP Councillor Rosemarie Shields has welcomed the assurance from the Electricity Supply Board, that they will be providing a community fund for the residents of the Carrickmore area. Money for the community fund will be generated through Crockagarran Wind Farm on the Whitebridge Road in Carrickmore.

Cllr. Shields said “I am delighted to announce that I have secured a commitment from ESB to provide a community fund for the benefit of the residents of the immediate area. This will consist of a minimum £25,000 per annum and will be released in the first quarter of 2013.”

“In the current economic climate all funding is being cut in an attempt to save money. These cuts will have a detrimental effect on organisations within the community, in being able to provide much needed services.  I know these wind farm community funds will be a vital source of income for hard-pressed voluntary and community groups, allowing them to continue their work within the Carrickmore area.

“I would urge everyone in the area to watch out for notification in the local press and take full advantage of the funding being made available. If anyone would like further help with applying for funding please do not hesitate to contact myself at home or through the Omagh SDLP Advice Centre at 9B Dromore Road, Omagh or call 028 8225 0060.”

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