Monday 7 January 2013

SDLP Leader’s New Year Message

SDLP Leader Alasdair McDonnell said the focus in 2013 must be on building a society based on respect, reconciliation, equality and prosperity for everyone. It's time, he said, to move beyond managing the conflict here to transforming it.

Wed 2nd January

"The job of Government is to create the best conditions for economic growth that creates jobs and benefits all in our society. The SDLP is playing its fullpart in this through its Ministry, and its proactive role in the Assembly", Dr. McDonnell said.

"Government focus should also be on, tackling the strangling effect of over regulation on small business, more effective targeting of investment and support to local businesses, ensuring we have an education system which provides our young people with the skills to meet the needs of emerging highly paid industries, a health care system which meets all our needs and a welfare system which protects the most vulnerable in our society. Corporation Tax and other economic controls must be sought to ensure that we're able to make ourselves as competitive as possible in the eyes of investors.

"The recent scenes witnessed in Belfast and across Northern Ireland, the attack on life, democracy, property and the economy which closed the curtains on 2012 cannot be justified and must never be repeated.
"People have a right to protest and the SDLP will always defend the right to peaceful protest but what we witnessed in the last 40 days were scenes reminiscent of the worst in the last 40 years. We witnessed murder attempts on police officers, death threats issued to elected representatives, riots, attacks on our democratic institutions, attacks on property and illegal road blocks which caused untold damage to local businesses and severe disruption to people trying to go about their daily lives.

"We refused to let the violent and murderous actions of small minorities derail us in the past and we will remain as resolute in 2013 and beyond.

"What the dark days of 2012 have shown us however, whether it was the events over parading in North Belfast, the murder of David Black, murder attempts and threats to life, illegal and violent protests, is that sectarianism and hatred continues to poison our society and damage our economy around the world.
"We have come a long way but there is still so much to do. In our divided society, symbols, emblems and issues of identity will remain contentious, ripe for provocation and with the potential to erupt into violent scenes which are beamed around the world unless they are approached from a position of mutual respect and parity of esteem.

"2013 must demonstrate that politics delivers and that violence or the threat of violence will achieve nothing.
"We must demonstrate in every home that devolution delivers for peoples’ needs and people in need, not presents merely a government of self congratulation and the politics of self praise"

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