Thursday 10 January 2013



Following a series of calls and visits over recent weeks from Strabane youth, Business people and the general public, concerns are flying high as to the future of Strabane town centre. There have been whispers that a further three businesses are due to close its doors if something isn’t done by council to support the heart of our district, the SDLP’s Constituency Representative Daniel McCrossan heard this week. Mr McCrossan said; we cannot afford nor should we allow further businesses to close without any offer of help or assistance. We have watched many established traders close their doors over the last few months. What will be left of Strabane? Who will want to visit a derelict town? What is this council doing to respond to the concerns of the many local traders who are struggling day in and day out to survive? Yes the council have launched a town centre forum in recent weeks which is not yet in operation?  Surely it must be appreciated that we are in crisis! Strabane town centre needs support now! Not tomorrow or in three months’ time, intervention is needed now! This council must stand up, wake up and act and deliver for the people of this district.

Yes meetings maybe taking place as many have over the many years. The, we should try this speech or how about that speech? Simple puffs of hot air with no substance and a major lack of deliverance. What frustrates me is the blindness and lack of appreciation of council to recognise that Strabane is a fantastic town with endless potential and great opportunity in front of it, if it were only realised! Strabane sits as the gateway to Donegal, as the centre between Derry and Omagh, Surrounded by potential footfall. The Gimmicks of council and the lack of meaningful economic development function of the council is a poor indictment of how Strabane DC is dealing with everyday problems for both commercial rate payers and the many unemployed youth who are in absolute despair. In relation to the Economic Development unit of Strabane DC the people of Strabane deserve to know what they are actually doing? What have they done for this town? Where are the actions, the solutions?  As recently as last month a meeting was to be arranged between DSD and local traders, the unfortunate thing was that the Strabane Economic Development Unit didn’t send out the letters/emails to Strabane traders until 1 hour before the meeting was scheduled. This upset a lot of our business people who would have liked to have attended had they have been notified reasonably before the meeting? We cannot afford for silly mistakes such as these? Our traders concerns must be treated with the highest priority!

 This council must give people a reason to visit our town! Put a market on the streets if need be, which many traders are in favour of. Take whatever measures necessary to pump life back into our town centre, create an atmosphere, give our people an experience which they will enjoy and ultimately return to each day, provide that reason. Very recently the Olympic torch passed through our town, the atmosphere was electric and the support from the people of this district very reassuring that they like I believe in this town and will support it where they can.

One local trader has said; “As a trader in Strabane town centre I feel that council have done very little to encourage people to both shop and invest in Strabane town centre. We are currently trading in a very difficult economic climate and this is most certainly not helped by the fact that those of us who trade in the town centre are doing so in an area which has become extremely neglected & unkempt & downright unattractive! I firmly believe that the council needs to take urgent action to tidy up the town, and encourage both businesses & people to come into the town centre  as the. Declining footfall in this area is an issue of major concern for myself and many other traders”.

Mr McCrossan said, “The rate payers have paid substantially to local Government in support of local Government. When are local Government going to start caring about the people of this town?
Strabane District council seems to be dominated by the fantasy world of senior officers who continually seek support from the councillors for increased rates and no clear economic development strategy for the district which is needed to support small local businesses and protect or enhance employment by the SME sector.
The time has come for local Government authorities like Strabane District Council to be more responsive and sensitive to the plight.

Shane McLaughlin aged (19) said; I feel that the lack of leadership has driven our town to the edge of a cliff. A council that we put our faith and votes in to ensure our town is kept sustainable. For young people like myself that will have to pay the price for a disillusioned council, feel that new fresher voices are needed in our chambers”.

As a 23 year old concerned Strabane man, I am calling on the people of this district, the general public, the many unemployed desperate for work, concerned parents who worry for their children’s future, the traders who have been abandoned by council and suffocated with major unrealistic rates bills, the youth, the forgotten next generation to stand up and demand answers, demand change, demand to be represented as we all deserve to be! This council are supposed to be the leaders of our local community and in my opinion they have done anything but. Now more than ever this town needs leadership and support!  


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