Friday, 15 February 2013

Farming Community Needs DARD Support Now’


‘Farming Community Needs DARD Support Now’

      claims Joe Byrne MLA, Deputy Chair Assembly ARD Committee

The massive fall in farm incomes in 2012, where farm incomes on average fell by 52%, requires urgent government action by DARD to address the crisis in farming. We are all aware that 2012 was a disaster year for many in the farming community, with bad weather combining with low farm gate prices and higher input costs, particularly for feed and fuel adding to the problem.

The recent report by DARD on farm incomes for 2012 is a sorry tale of woe and anxiety for all connected with farming and the rural economy. The on-going difficulty experienced by many farmers regarding Single Farm Payment delays and associated difficulties regarding farm inspections, with associated disputes about grant claimants, are all adding to frustration and indeed anger.

The banking pressures, allied with all the above problems are simply putting many farmers in a difficult position regarding their future in agriculture. Cash flow problems are being compounded because of delayed SFP and other DARD payments. In the Assembly there has been much debate and questions to the DARD Minister Michelle O Neill regarding these problems, but little to date has been done by DARD to alleviate the farming difficulties.

In recent weeks the food scare about burger meat products, and the termination of some food supply contracts by some supermarket chains with some food processors, are all adding to the uncertainty and the crisis and confidence regarding our food growing and processing in Northern Ireland.

As we need to export 80% of our farm produce it is crucially important that domestic and overseas consumers have confidence and buy our food products. Our quality image and reputation as a food production region within Europe must be protected and indeed enhanced going forward.  It is vitally important that DARD and Food Safety authorities work together in a totally connected way to make sure that there are no gaps in ensuring quality food products end up in the supermarket, available for discerning customers.

The time has come for DARD and the Minister to be forthright and up to the task of addressing the farming related difficulties outlined above. And that they are committed to ensuring that quality assured products are presented to the consumer to command good prices for quality food at all times.

Like never before, the farming industry and the associated food processing sector need all of the government support necessary to help at this time.

DARD must address their efficiency and administrative systems so that grant payment to farmers like the SFP are paid more promptly so that farmers are not penalised or denied their money entitlement from the European Support Funds.

The farming community need government action and support now because of the difficult situation that many farmers find themselves in. Indeed the rural economy also needs this support at a very uncertain time for the industry.

SDLP welcomes improvements to Doneyloop Road in Clady

Byrne welcomes improvements to Doneyloop Road in Clady

This week West-Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne has welcomed the on-going improvements to the Tullymoan Road between Clady and Doneyloop.

Mr Byrne said “I am very pleased to see the work being carried out on this stretch of road between Clady and Doneyloop. In the last number of months The SDLP Team in Strabane has been contacted on a number of occasions by various Clady residents, looking for repair works to be carried out as the road was littered with potholes.”

“The potholes were a concern for residents who were worried at the damage being to their cars when using the road. The Doneyloop Road can be extremely busy on occasions, especially during Mass times at the local St. Columba’s Church. I am also pleased to welcome the placement of footpaths on the road to accommodate pedestrians walking between Clady and Doneyloop, and again for any one walking to the local church.”

“The Strabane SDLP team has been lobbying both Strabane District Council and Donegal County Council for work like this to be carried out. The work is on-going and due to be completed within the next six weeks”.  

SDLP emphasises importance of internet safety!

SDLP MLA Joe Byrne has highlighted the importance of the need for increased measures to support and protect children across West Tyrone.

 “With 99% of children across the UK having access to the internet it is paramount that we ensure they are protected and aided while using it.
“The internet is a powerful tool that can educate, assist growth and nurture development. However, while we recognise its benefits, it is vital we identify and prohibit its dangers.
“Almost 50% of children aged 10-11 are currently on a social networking site. For most children of this age the sites are used to communicate with friends and socialise. Unfortunately, there are some children and adults that use such sites to bully, manipulate and in some cases for more sinister motivations.
“It is necessary that we do all that we can to make children and young people aware of these potential dangers. Promote safety online and also teach children to recognise signs their safety may be compromised.
“I hope that the Assembly can support parents and educational providers teaching children about online dangers by bringing forward an Internet Safety Strategy aimed at eradicating these problems. While we must stress the need to be safe online, we must also ensure that parents are confident to allow children to explore the web without worry or fear. We live in a digital age and as a Government we should support the increased digital capability of our young people. In order to advocate such support we must ensure there is a strong safety net in place for all our young people’s protection.”

SDLP listening to concerns of local businesses!

The SDLP has conducted a survey of local businesses to hear, directly, their concerns about the current economic situation and the Executive’s response.

The West Tyrone MLA contacted many local businesses in Castlederg, Strabane and Omagh received responses on a wide variety of issues. Speaking afterwards Mr Byrne said:

“If the Executive is to provide real assistance to small and medium-sized enterprises in this difficult economic climate then they must listen to those businesses.

“The construction industry felt the impact of the cuts in public spending first. Other sectors are also feeling the effects of the austerity measures as the economy continues to stagnate.

“The local SDLP team have contacted businesses across Strabane and Castlederg and Omagh to hear directly from them the issues and ideas they have which the Executive should be addressing. The businesses involved are active in all sectors of the economy - construction, retail, health sector, hospitality, engineering, etc.

“The responses covered a wide variety of topics in a number of areas that local businesses believe government and banks could do more to help.

“Small and medium sized local businesses across Northern Ireland want to develop and expand those businesses to provide more jobs for their communities.

“They need help and advice on the best ways they can achieve that and the response they get from local and central government is, in their experience, failing in a number of areas.

“Constituency Representative, Daniel McCrossan said: whilst I visited the businesses in Castlederg and Strabane a major concern for many was the lack of access to the necessary credit to sustain and invest in their business. The banks do have the means to lend, such as schemes like Funding for Lending, and more can be done between businesses and banks to ensure that proposals are presented in the best possible way.”

“The SDLP will be raising the issues highlighted by this survey with the relevant Ministers in the Executive, and pursing these matters further as Chair of the Enterprise, Trade & Investment Committee. The SDLP will work with local businesses, across the north, on individual matters of finance and advice.

“The SDLP will also be hosting a business forum later this year where businesses can deal directly with finance and advice services on the issues that directly affect their business.”

SDLP saddened by death of PSNI Officer!

SDLP saddened by death of PSNI Officer

SDLP Party Chairman, Joe Byrne MLA has expressed his shock and sadness at the death of a female PSNI Officer in Derry who has been killed in a car accident while on duty.

Mr Byrne said:

“On behalf of the SDLP, I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Constable Philippa Reynolds, the young police women who was tragically killed in the line of duty in Derry last week. This is indeed a very difficult time for the entire community but also for those who were on duty alongside her when this tragedy occurred. It is my understanding that a stolen car was involved in the accident. This is obviously criminal activity gone wrong and as a result of this recklessness a young life has been lost and many left to suffer the pain of such devastation. I call on those responsible, or anyone who has any information, to come forward to the PSNI."

SDLP: Strabane lets get behind Ryan Dolan and support one of our own!

SDLP: Strabane Talent Continues to Shine!

SDLP West Tyrone MLA Joe Byrne this week has shared his delight that a young Strabane man has been selected as favourite to represent Ireland in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest.

Speaking after the announcement Mr Byrne said, the announcement this week that a young Strabane man has been installed as favourite to represent Ireland at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest is a strong reminder of all that is good and all that is great in the Strabane District. I am sure I speak for the entire community when I say that we are very proud that young Ryan Dolan has been selected to represent Ireland in this year’s competition.

Ryan has been one of Strabane’s many rising Stars, with his exceptional performing talents he has been a very bright and successful performing future ahead of him.

It is great to see a young man pushing himself forward and believing in all that is possible but also that Strabane’s great talent is being recognised. I would ask that the entire community get behind Ryan and support him on this very exciting journey.

Let’s also pay tribute when recognising Strabane’s fantastic young talent to Terri O’Reilly who recently performed on RTE’s The Voice of Ireland. Terri left of from another Strabane man Jim Devine who performed last year and gave world class performances. Terri gave a fantastic performance on the show and continues to do her family, friends and community proud.

With a population of under 40 000 people, Strabane is no stranger to talent. I would hope this fantastic strength and determination by our young people in sharing their many talents continues to spread. It’s about time Strabane stood up and was counted, lets show the world what we are made of.

SDLP: Action needed to tackle suicide!

SDLP have responded to figures that suggest the suicide rate in the North is up by 100 per cent.

“The revelation this week that the incidence of suicide in Northern Ireland has doubled over the last fifteen years will sadden many but surprise few.

“What it must do, however, is focus the minds and concentrated the efforts of us as politicians to do all that we can to tackle what is fast becoming an epidemic.

“According to statistics it takes around 300 lives a year. There are no statistics, however showing how many lives it destroys or the devastation it causes in families and communities. We in Strabane have suffered considerable losses to suicide over the last 10 years with many families still suffering the hurt and heart ache. The impact of suicide is immeasurable. Behind every one of these 300 are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children, friends all left trying to pick up the pieces and make sense of the inexplicable.

“Suicide is an extremely complex issue. No two lives are the same and no two deaths are the same. Links have been made between the dire economic outlook and the increase in suicide. Without doubt deprivation and lack of hope are factors and factors that can be affected by government but there is much more to it than that.

“Some are attributed to stress, relationship breakdown, poverty and struggles with addiction. Some shock and baffle everyone with no indication given that anything was wrong.

“Many organisations work tirelessly and work well: reaching out to people in despair and helping them through their darkest hours.

“These groups must be better resourced and while they are great at listening, they need listened to. Access to mental health services must be improved and more work done to banish the stigma still attached to mental illness.

“The SDLP do not question the commitment of the Health Minister or of any party to tackling suicide but it is apparent that more can be done and more must be done.”

SDLP Youth launch Anti-Bullying Campaign!

This week the Strabane SDLP Youth has launched their anti-bullying campaign to raise awareness of the problem in all aspects of society.

Strabane SDLP Youth Chairperson Shane McLaughlin said “The Strabane SDLP Youth Group felt that an anti-bullying campaign would be very relevant to people of all ages in the district. We believe people will relate to this issue as many of us know someone who has been bullied or have been the subject of bullying ourselves.”

“Bullying at school is a very big problem, and everyone is aware of how this can ruin a young person’s time at school. Yet many people believe that bullying is only confined to the school yard. This is just simply not the case. Bullying can occur at the work place, in sports and social clubs just to name a few. Bullies are very cunning and are expert at getting away with it.”

Strabane SDLP Youth Vice-Chairperson Kiera Blee continued, “Our aim is to raise everyone’s awareness of bullying and how bullying can occur without the perpetrators even realising. At the workplace especially when having a laugh with colleagues at another’s expense may look like a bit of fun, yet this may not be how the other person sees it and feel bullied.”

“Another concern we would have, especially as a group of young people, is the alarming rise in cyber bullying. With the explosion in the use of social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook, they have become a forum for bullies to target their victims constantly and in a public forum. This has been highlighted by a number of tragedies in and around the Strabane District. If anyone would like to get involved in our campaign, please feel free to contact the Strabane SDLP Advice Centre on 028 71 882 828”.

Byrne slams Minister for confusion over maps!

SDLP MLA Joe Byrne has criticised the Agriculture Minister Michelle O’Neill for mistakes in new maps for farmers to ensure they meet EU compliance standards.

Mr Byrne, who sits on the Assembly’s Agriculture Committee said;
“This latest fiasco is further evidence of DARD’s incompetence, and can be added to the growing list of issues which they have handled badly or failed to address.
“The new maps, which cost over £20 million to ensure that EU standards are met, contain costly mistakes, and serve to further complicate matters, rather than improve them. This is the second set of aerial photo maps that the department have produced, and this is the second time they have wasted public money through failure to ensure that the maps are fit for purpose; indeed, many farmers have told me that the older maps were in fact better than the most recent attempts. I have been speaking to several farmers who are angry and frustrated at this latest development, and have told me that the photos used by the department are as much as five years out of date.
“Whilst we should be looking to integrate a technological approach to the administration of farming grants, mistakes of this magnitude are simply not acceptable, and I would call on the Minister to address this issue without further delay.”

Byrne: Invisible Minister failing to give us the full story!

SDLP West Tyrone MLA Joe Byrne has asked the Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development to clarify just exactly when her department knew about instances of horsemeat DNA contamination and to reassure the public as a matter of urgency.

Mr. Byrne said:

“During an Agriculture Committee hearing on 29 January I specifically asked whether there was any potential that Polish imported horsemeat DNA could be found at any Northern Irish Plant or food storage area.
“At a committee hearing on 5 January I raised the issue again of when exactly the Minister for Agriculture was aware of any potential contamination. I was told by a senior DARD official that the department was aware as early as 15 January 2013.
“It is imperative that the Minister clarify when exactly she became aware of contamination and why the Food Standards Authority only initiated its investigation on 4 February.”
“What is quite clear is that DARD and the Minister are not on the front foot in terms of explaining to the public what has or has not happened in the horsemeat scandal which has been unfolding for the last number of weeks. In fact the Minister has been somewhat invisible on this issue.“She has not treated this issue with the urgency it requires and has provided no reassurance to concerned people across Northern Ireland. When will the Minister make a comprehensive statement to the assembly on the burger meat issue? I am calling on the Minister to make a comprehensive statement to the Assembly.
“I want to pay tribute to the local farming industry for doing all they can to promote quality assurance-but the gaps in the processing industry which are not full proof need to be resolved immediately.”

Tuesday, 5 February 2013


Urgent Assembly Question, Tuesday 5th February 2013

SDLP MLA, Joe Byrne, has tabled in the Assembly today an urgent oral question to DARD Minister, Michelle O Neill, seeking an official explanation regarding the revelation that 80% DNA horsemeat product has been stored and passed through Northern Ireland adding anxiety to the fears relating to burgers.



Joe Byrne, SDLP MLA, this week welcomed the new electric car charging points which are being erected at various points around the Strabane district.  Going Green has many positives, financially and environmentally and I would like to applaud the efforts of local business man, Pat Kirk on his launch of the electric vehicle in Omagh and Strabane.

Daniel McCrossan, Constituency Representative said; “it’s great to see that a local business man has decided to push the positives of going green and launch the electric car to the Strabane public. Plug-in electric vehicles have many benefits; they use no petrol or diesel. With fuel prices being a cause of concern to many, the switch to electric vehicles is becoming more appealing for its green edge.”


 “To encourage people to buy and use electric cars, the Government is offering grants of up to £5,000 towards the purchase of a plug-in car. This is a great incentive for motorists, especially if they are concerned about the higher initial costs of an electric car.”


“Furthermore the government has recently announced a grant for electric vans. Purchasers will be able to receive 20 per cent - up to £8,000 - off the cost of a plug-in van which meets the government’s criteria. This will be of great interest to businesses, which can now save on the up-front purchase price of vans as well as on running costs.”


“Since electric vehicles have no tail pipe carbon emissions, they are therefore exempt from car tax. They also have very few moving parts therefore they require very little maintenance. These are considerable cost savings, especially as cars get older.”




SDLP women’s group committed to empowering others!

Tues 5th February

“Leonie Wray, spokesperson of the SDLP Strabane Districts women’s group said, ‘the AGM of the SDLP Women’s Group was held in Derry on Thursday night and we as a party were delighted to see such a great attendance. I was particularly heartened to see such a good turnout from quite a number of younger women in the party who are extremely engaged in the political process.

 “I would like to wish our new chairperson, Cllr. Angela Dobbins the best of luck in her new role and also acknowledge the terrific work of the outgoing chair Cllr Bernie Kelly. Bernie has over the years put her shoulder to the millstone and has highlighted the importance of the role of women within our party.

“Through her and other likeminded members, our constitution and policies have been amended so that SDLP can become a party promoting gender equality.

“I aim to continue with this task and I hope that women in our party and in our constituencies have a voice, a voice that will raise the issues most affecting women.

“Mary McCrossan said: "It is not only gender inequality that has an effect on women but recent welfare reform will undoubtedly hit the person in the household who juggles the bills, the one who has an unaccredited degree in finance and accounting, the person who is likely to be a woman. The women of  the Strabane and Omagh districts are more than welcome to join the women’s group, we look forward to seeing our new recruits at our next meeting."  


Byrne seeks support for McColgan foods

SDLP West Tyrone MLA Joe Byrne has asked the Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development to ensure that Tyrone food company McColgan’s is given full support.

Mon 4th February

Mr. Byrne was speaking yesterday on the floor of the assembly today during questions to the Minister Michelle O’Neill. Mr. Byrne said:

“I emphasised the importance of the agri-food strategy being able to provide support to food processing companies like Mc Colgan Foods in Strabane. I was pleased that the Minister Arlene Foster acknowledged the good company that Mc Colgan Foods is.

“She said that she was aware of the great stress and anxiety being faced by the workers and management at this time. She assured me and the House that her Department and DARD were working jointly with Mc Colgans to help and give advice to overcome the DNA pork traces difficulty.

“Mc Colgan Foods are a very successful food processing company based in Strabane employing over 100 people.

“Mc Colgans are an excellent food processing company which have built up a good quality reputation over many years. All efforts must be made to overcome the current difficulty so that jobs are protected particularly for a town like Strabane.”

Monday, 4 February 2013

SDLP Warn Strabane Homeowners About 'Oil Theft'

In recent months rising fuel prices have sparked off oil theft, the local Strabane SDLP has said.
People across Strabane District are being warned to be on "high alert" with regards to possible oil-theft in their homes.
A party spokesperson said that while the thefts are occurring "across the district" he assumes "it hits the elderly and single mothers much more".
The SDLP would advise homeowners to "do what they can" to make it more difficult for thieves to steal from their oil tanks.
Last week a single mother of four had her oil tank drained at her Glenview Park home. When the Mother refilled her tank it was drained once more two days later with the cap of the tank stolen also.
She described the spates as "terrible" and added "you're trying to raise a family you're trying to keep your home going in times which are already financially difficult, paying your way to keep your family warm and then this happens".
SDLP Representative, Daniel McCrossan said that criminals were targeting the elderly and vulnerable young families in order to "cash in" on rising oil prices. It has even been advised that those behind the thefts may be following oil trucks to the homes of such people and then returning to drain the tank.
Mr McCrossan said that some "desperate people" are turning to crime rather than pay for rocketing prices for heating oil.
"We believe the situation could get worse if the prices keep going up so people should be aware of the threat to their oil," he said.
Heating oil customers are advised to use all possible security measures such as tank locks to safeguard their supplies against this kind of crime.
If you have been the victim of a heating oil theft, please contact the PSNI and report these crimes.