Monday 2 September 2013

SDLP: Residents left in the Muck

This week the SDLP in Strabane have called a piece of land outside homes on the Melmount Road  proximate to the old trust, that has recently been left as a muck hole by the Housing Executive, a complete waste of money and against residents wishes. 

Speaking on the issue, Strabane SDLP Councillor Patsy Kelly said “I have been in contact with residents regarding the refurbishment of this green area on the Dublin Road. It was agreed that all residents had preferred the area be tarred as it would alleviate parking issues.”

“Whilst this is what was agreed amongst residents, the Housing Executive had different plans and has left the area as a muck hole. Many residents feel this is a complete waste of money as if it were tarred it would allow for parking and would not need constant maintenance like grass does.”

“We have been in contact with the Housing Executive and lobbied for this area to be tarred. I would call on the Housing Executive to respect resident’s wishes and use some common sense when coming to a conclusion.”

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