Monday 2 September 2013

SDLP welcome new lighting at Ashgrove Park

This week the SDLP in Strabane has welcomed the new street lighting around Ashgrove Park in Strabane.

Welcoming the new Street Lighting SDLP Strabane Town Councillor Patsy Kelly said “I would like to thank DRD Roads Service for the new Street Lighting being placed at Ashgrove Park. We in the SDLP have been lobbying for repair works to be carried out in the area following numerous complaints to us by residents that most of the street lighting was either broken or inadequate.”

“We have now secured not only repair works but brand new lampposts for the area. Residents are very pleased that this will alleviate this long standing problem in the area.”

Also welcoming the new Street Lighting was SDLP Representative for the area Patrick Leonard said “Proper Street lighting in a built up area is very important for a number of reasons, most notably safety. Keeping in mind the recent spate of assaults in Strabane, all that can be must be done to ensure the safety of residents. I would encourage anyone walking at night to be extra vigilant, but adequate street lighting will help keep our streets safe at night.”

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