Wednesday 16 October 2013

Byrne: Common Funding Formula could spell disaster for some schools

SDLP MLA for West Tyrone Joe Byrne has said the common funding formula will mean that over 80% of primary schools in the Western area will be budget losers.
Only some larger schools in socially deprived areas will gain financially because the main criteria being used to determine budgets is the number of free school meals pupils attending a school. Mr. Byrne said
“Unfortunately too many schools are losers and only some gain financially. ‘Robbing Peter to pay Paul’ is no way of allocating funding to primary schools in particular. Many schools in West Tyrone will be badly affected.

“There has to be meaningful consultation on this exercise. The deadline of Friday 18th October needs to be extended and properly informed public meetings should take place.

“The Omagh meeting was badly attended because people did not know about it.  Only four Councilors and four Education officials were at the meeting held in Omagh Library on Wednesday 9th October. Meaningful consultation is required to ensure all children are given an equal chance.”

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