Thursday 17 October 2013

SDLP: Build-up of rubbish destroying natural beauty spot

This week the SDLP have called on authorities to take action over the build of rubbish along the banks of the River Foyle in Strabane, destroying the natural beauty of the area.

Speaking on the issue was SDLP Strabane District Councillor Patsy Kelly who said “This is a problem that many residents have raised to us recently. Following a visit by me and other SDLP Representatives we were shocked to see the extent of the problem. The amount of rubbish lying on the banks of the Foyle is embarrassing to say the least. We visited the banking just adjacent to the Strabane Canal, a beautiful location spoiled by all the litter washed up on the banking. Imagine what visitors and tourists would think at such a sight.”

It appears that the rubbish is washing up at this point of the river but is being dumped in further up-stream closer to the Strabane/Lifford border and perhaps even further up. The SDLP will be lobbying the various agencies involved with maintaining our rivers, including the Rivers Agency and the Department of the Environment to have this rubbish taken away and disposed of properly.”

Also commenting on the issue was SDLP Representative Liam Stewart who said “We in the SDLP feel this sort of problem must be dealt with at the source. We will be contacting Strabane District Council and the PSNI to see what measures can be taken to apprehend those dumping rubbish into our rivers. This sort of criminal activity destroys the environment and hits ratepayer’s pockets.”

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