Tuesday 1 October 2013

SDLP call for action over crumbling steps in Drumrallagh

This week the SDLP in Strabane have called on the Northern Ireland Housing Executive to carry out repair works on the steps, which allow public access to Drumrallagh Estate in Strabane.

Speaking on the issue was SDLP Strabane District Councillor Patsy Kelly who said “This was an issue that was brought to our attention while we carried out a door-to-door survey in the Drumrallagh and Fountain Terrace areas. Residents pointed out that the steps and adjoining wall were in a very bad condition. A lot of the cement and plaster has started to fall off and now it is left the whole area looking very untidy.”

“We are calling on the Northern Ireland Housing Executive to carry out a complete refurbishment of the steps, to repair the broken wall and to repaint the railings that have begun to rust and are quite dangerous for anyone who runs their hand along it. It would be a major concern of ours as this may lead to someone getting badly injured if they were to slip, especially coming into the winter months.”

Also commenting on the matter was SDLP representative for the area Liam Stewart who said “Growing up quite close to Drumrallagh, myself and many others have used these steps on a regular basis. The steps are in a bad condition and are only going to get worse with the cold weather. We will be lobbying the Housing Executive for repair works to tidy the steps and more importantly ensure safety.”

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