Tuesday 1 October 2013

SDLP welcome repair works to Lisnaragh Road in Donemana

This week the SDLP in Strabane have welcomed the repair works currently being carried out on the Lisnaragh Road in Donemana.

Welcoming the repair works was SDLP Strabane District Councillor Patsy Kelly who said “It is great to see the repair works being carried on the Lisnaragh Road in Donemana. The SDLP have been lobbying for these works to be carried out for quite some time. Our office has been contacted on numerous occasions by residents who were fed up with the condition of the road previously and the damage that was being done to cars. These works will now fix that problem and make the road safer for users.”

Also welcoming the news was SDLP Representative for the area and Donemana resident Steph Boyd who said “As a resident it is great to see these works finally near completion. The Lisnaragh Road is a busy link between Donemana and Plumbridge. I hope that the concerns of residents will be satisfied when this work is finished.”

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