Tuesday 19 November 2013

Byrne: Cowardly pipe bomb attack could have killed

SDLP MLA for West Tyrone Joe Byrne has condemned those behind what he branded as a 'cowardly' pipe bomb attack in Strabane, which he said could have killed civilians and police officers.

The device, which failed to detonate, was discovered by a member of the public on Saturday who lifted the bomb and moved it to an area of waste ground. A bomb disposal team defused the device and residents who had been evacuated from their houses were allowed to return home at 3am.Police have said it was a deliberate attempt to kill police officers.

Assemblyman Byrne said: "The security alert caused disruption for residents and the community. Nobody wants to see this kind of activity, which could have killed civilians and police officers. Strabane has suffered too much in the past from paramilitary violence, mainly from republicans. No one wants to see a return to those dark days.

"I want to commend the PSNI for their vigilance and professionalism. Anyone with information regarding this incident should come forward to the police as a matter of urgency."

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