Tuesday 19 November 2013


West Tyrone MLA Joe Byrne on Thursday night addressed the local Border Poll conference held in the Fir Trees Hotel. Mr Byrne opened his address saying, 'whilst I welcome the debate, is now really the right time for a border poll?'

The SDLP since its foundation over 40 years ago wanted real politics to function in the North to create a better society in terms of social and economic matters for all people.  The ultimate goal would be to evolve into a united, prosperous Ireland where all classes and creeds feel valued, embraced and respected through strong democratic support and foundation..   

The SDLP feel strongly that a premature border poll could be a set back to the aims and objectives outlined and agreed upon in the Good Friday Agreement.  A border poll at this time could merely act as a distraction from the real issues which our people face on a daily basis.  It has already been a difficult and fragile year for community relations across the North, a border poll campaign could reinforce Unionist and Loyalist apprehensions ultimately leading to further division and even violence.

The Good Friday Agreement settled the constitutional status of Northern Ireland and until such times as a democratic decision is taken in the interests of an agreeing majority, we all signed up to that in 1998.

The GFA has the strong authority of the Irish People North and South as evidently expressed in the all-Ireland 1998 Referendum. This was the first time in Irish history we have ever had an all-Ireland Referendum to give legitimacy and political authority to the GFA.

The real challenge since 1998 and presently manifested in terms of the matters considered in the Haass talks, is how do we make devolved Government function here with its associated structures and work more effectively for the betterment of all our people in the North.

My party, the SDLP, prides itself on three key objectives; the need for social justice. What are the major parties in the North doing about creating a fairer society? What are we going to do about the Welfare cuts pressed by the Tory agenda, what are the political parties of the North doing to deliver for these six counties of Ireland?

The need for a real truth and reconciliation process; will the main parties in the North make the ultimate sacrifice in signing up to a real process of reconciliation? Are they up for that challenge or do they simply want to sail on as though the past never happened and allow the hurt and loss to fester. 

The other key objective is centred around growing this regional economy and make this local economy more productive. The economic reality is that the economy of the North depends on an annual subvention from the London Treasury of between eight and ten billion pounds. The reality is that the North needs to be more economically sustainable to make it attractive for a united Ireland to become possible and attractive for the people of the Republic.

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