Wednesday 13 November 2013

Byrne: NIE Connection Charge a Rip-off

West Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne, this week questioned the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment on the scandalous cost being put to consumers to have new homes connected to the electricity grid.
Mr Byrne said "This is a problem that a number of constituents have when they have attempted to have a new home connected to the electricity supply. The costs are scandalous. I asked the Minister if she agreed that there is a gross imbalance when somebody is looking for a new supply of electricity.  I know someone who has built a new house and has been quoted £16,500 for a connection charge even though they live within 90 metres of an adjacent house.  What can be done through the House to make sure that that abuse of power is not manifested in future?"
The Minister responded by saying "I have often said to the House that, when you look at limiting the price of energy, there is a consequence in and around the commerciality of NIE and how it will work in the future.  I recognise what the Member is talking about, because, being an MLA from the west, I, too, have had constituents tell me that they are being asked for hundreds of thousands of pounds to connect to the grid.  However, it is all connected to how much money NIE can invest in the grid and how it is allowed to do that.  It is regulated by the Utility Regulator, and, if the Member wants me to mention it to the regulator, I certainly will do so when I get the opportunity to meet her."
Commenting on the Ministers response Mr Byrne said "Despite the response from the Minister I am still not satisfied. There must be a firm commitment from the Assembly to help the consumers who spend a lot of time and money building a house, only to be hit with a crippling bill from NIE to connect their home to electricity. I will be lobbying for more action to be taken to help consumers."

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