Wednesday 13 November 2013

Byrne: Sion Mills tourism could be wrecked by Anaerobic Digester

This week West Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne has questioned the Minister of the Environment over the effect an Anaerobic Digester would have, on the industrial heritage and tourism potential on the village of Sion Mills.
Mr Byrne said "I put a supplementary question to the Minister of the Environment during question time regarding the proposed Anaerobic Digester application in Sion Mills. I asked if he agreed that Sion Mills is a good example of an industrial heritage village and that the tourism potential of an industrial heritage project could be jeopardised if an anaerobic digester were to be sited in the village."
The minister responded by saying "That issue was raised by representatives when I was invited by the SDLP in West Tyrone to visit Sion Mills. I am aware of the history and heritage in the Sion Mills vicinity.  I am also aware of the determination of a group in that community to maximise the benefit of that built heritage to Sion Mills as a tourist destination.  Therefore, I take on board the Member's concerns and those of the community.  However, it will be up to the PAC to assess those concerns."
Commenting on the Ministers response Mr Byrne said "The SDLP in West Tyrone have lobbied the Minister both publicly and privately on behalf of the residents of Sion Mills, to stop this planning permission being given. The SDLP have supported, and will continue to support, the steering group set up to oppose the Anaerobic Digester and prepare for the planning appeal informal hearing. Investment must be put into Sion Mills to increase its tourism potential instead of this anaerobic digester destroying its cultural and industrial heritage."

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