Monday 31 March 2014

Kelly: Suspect device causing chaos for Strabane residents

Strabane SDLP Councillor Patsy Kelly has said that the discovery of a suspect device near Strabane Golf Club is causing chaos for commuters and residents in the town.

Cllr Kelly said: “Once again the lives of ordinary, decent people are being brought to a standstill by another security alert in our town. Whether or not this turns out to be a viable device, the people of this town are sick, sore and tired of being forced from their homes, being inconvenienced while bringing their children to school or while trying to make it to work.

“Those behind the campaign of destruction that is blighting communities across the North have nothing constructive to offer. Rather all they contribute is the destructive mindset of the past that the people of this island, North and South, voted overwhelmingly against in 1998.

“Police have closed Ballycolman avenue as they deal with this alert. Motorists should avoid this route as the make their way through the town.”


The discovery of a viable explosive device following a security alert this morning in Strabane has been condemned by SDLP election candidate for the area Patrick Leonard. 

The alert came just hours after locals were asked to be vigilant following a report of a pipe bomb in the Ballycolman Road or Laurel Drive areas.

Police received the report on Sunday night at about 10.30pm but uncovered no suspicious objects. During a follow-up operation on Monday morning a suspicious object was found on the Strabane Golf Club course and Army bomb experts were called to examine.

The device has now been made safe.

Highlighting his concern Mr. Leonard said: "I absolutely condemn this incident. It was a reckless act that put lives at great risk close to a residential area and caused serious disruption for people living in the area.

"This device had the ability to maim and kill and was to place this in an areas where school children walk by cannot be tolerated.

"Thankfully no-one was injured in this wilful act of terror

"I would appeal to anyone who has any information in relation to this or who saw anyone acting suspiciously in the area of the golf links on Sunday night to contact the PSNI immediately."

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Byrne addresses Camowen farmers AGM

SDLP West Tyrone MLA, and vice chair of the Assembly Agriculture Committee, addressed Camowen Farmers Group at their AGM in the Milestone Centre, Carrickmore on Monday night.

Mr Byrne said: “It was encouraging to see a large number of farmers who are involved with the Camowen Farmers Group coming together for their AGM. This is a testament to Stephen Brown and Francis McAleer, who are officers of the group, and Mary Mc Cormack who also provides back-up support and service to the group.

“This type of group stays together because of the dedication and hard work of its committee and leadership.

“The presentation examined the background to Cap Reform, and questions and issues in every farmers mind at present including 2014 Single Farm Payment applications, one zone or/two zone regions for Northern Ireland, entitlements and young farmer entrants.

“Many questions are being posed by farmers that I meet and were quite rightly raised on Monday night. It is now important that DARD confirm unambiguously the position relating to these issues, as like any other business farmers need to plan and they can only do this effectively and efficiently if they have all the facts.”

Mr Byrne added: “Points were debated that need to be raised at the Agriculture Committee and to DARD directly. Decisions need to be made by DARD and the Minister well in advance of May 2nd to give farmers a chance to fill their SFP 2014 application forms.”

Friday 21 March 2014

Kelly Calls for Strabane Enterprise Zone

SDLP Strabane Councillor Patsy Kelly, in welcoming the enterprise zone announced in Coleraine, said the initiative should be opened up and rolled out in other areas of the north.

Cllr Kelly said Strabane Council was broadly in agreement on the matter and would be writing to the Northern Ireland Office asking if a similar project could be set up in Strabane.

He said: “The council is in broad agreement that an enterprise zone in Strabane would be extremely beneficial for the town and indeed the wider northwest area.

“This is an area that has suffered years of chronic under-investment and is crying out for enterprise initiatives that seek to attract inward investment.

“Over the next number of years we need to be seriously looking at how the North West competes with other areas and other regions. If you look across the water in the UK, the Chancellor has been keen to create regional development hotspots throughout England.

“There is no reason why multiple enterprise zones cannot be set up here in the north.”

Thursday 20 March 2014

Stewart welcomes possibility of Housing Executive re-opening fires to provide a second heat source

This week Sperrin Area SDLP Candidate Liam Stewart has welcomed the possibility of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive re-opening fires to allow for a second source of heating with many being unable to afford the current price of oil.

Speaking on the matter Mr Stewart said “The possibility of re-opening fires has been an issue that has needed looked at for quite some time. The SDLP in Strabane has been contacted on numerous occasions by residents asking for us to investigate whether they could get their fire re-opened as they struggle to afford oil to heat their homes.”

“We have lobbied the Housing Executive on numerous occasions to get, those who most need it, their fire places re-opened to help heat their homes. Yet we are constantly told this is not allowed. Now finally Nelson McCausland has woken up and realised that something needs to be done and help those most vulnerable in our society.”

“I would encourage the Housing Executive to allow those who are most in need to re-open their fires to help alleviate fuel poverty. I will be following this matter closely and I will be lobbying for a positive conclusion.”

Derg Area Candidate Marie Ash praises Super Saturday Castlederg Canvass.

This Week SDLP Derg Area Derry and Strabane Council Candidate Marie Ash has praised the positive response that was received from residents during the SDLP’s canvass of Castlederg Town and its surrounding areas.

Commenting on the response from the canvass Mrs Ash said “I was overwhelmed by the positive response I and my team received from residents when we canvassed Castlederg and its surrounding areas over the weekend.”

“We decided to take a Saturday and really make a big effort to visit as many areas as possible. We used this as an opportunity to discover what the real issues that affect residents are and what they believe needs to be done to improve their area.”

“These are the issues I will be lobbying for with my campaign as I believe Castlederg and its rural areas have real potential to be a better place to live for its residents with the right leadership.”

“If we have not been to your area yet, don’t worry, as we are out every week and continue to visit residents and hear their views.”

Kelly: Plea to parents after ‘worrying’ incident in Strabane

SDLP Councillor Patsy Kelly has urgently appealed to parents to make sure they know the whereabouts of their children after what he described as a “worrying” incident in Strabane last night.

Cllr Kelly made the plea after a number of teenagers were hospitalised after they were found unconscious at a party in Strabane.

Cllr Kelly said: “This was an extremely worrying incident where a number of teenagers from as far away as Letterkenny attended an open air party close to Strabane Golf Club.

“From what the PSNI have told me, crowds of up to 50 were drinking at this party, which had reportedly been organised through social media.

“We could have been looking at a very different scenario today so, again, I appeal to parents to know where their children are when they go out.

“The incident last night involved several resources involving police, the Ambulance Service and local search and rescue services. Thankfully no one was seriously injured, or worse, but parents must learn from this.

“Parents must take responsibility for their children at all times and they should know exactly where they are and who they are with. For parents, the safety of their children should be of paramount concern.”   

Byrne discusses Agri-Policy with Ulster Farmers Union delegation

This week West Tyrone SDLP MLA and Vice-Chairperson of the Stormont Agriculture Committee, Joe Byrne met with a delegation from the Ulster Farmers Union to discuss Agri-Policy and CAP Reform.

Mr Byrne said "I have had a meeting with Ulster Farmers Union President Harry Sinclair, CEO Clark Black and Senior Policy Officer Wesley Ashton. During the meeting with we had a wide ranging discussion around the CAP flat rate payments system, transition for the new Cap review in 2014 and 2020, as well as other matters like Single Farm Payment entitlements and Greening."

"I was joined by my SDLP Assembly colleagues and we emphasised the need to achieve fairness and equality in relation to CAP reform going forward so that Agri-Production in Northern Ireland can be sustained and enhanced so rural communities can survive."  

"The SDLP under my direction as Agricultural Spokesperson has been having numerous meetings with farming interests groups in Northern Ireland, concentrating particularly on the CAP Reform Proposals. The SDLP is committed to helping new farmer entrants and young farmer's interests."