Thursday 20 March 2014

Stewart welcomes possibility of Housing Executive re-opening fires to provide a second heat source

This week Sperrin Area SDLP Candidate Liam Stewart has welcomed the possibility of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive re-opening fires to allow for a second source of heating with many being unable to afford the current price of oil.

Speaking on the matter Mr Stewart said “The possibility of re-opening fires has been an issue that has needed looked at for quite some time. The SDLP in Strabane has been contacted on numerous occasions by residents asking for us to investigate whether they could get their fire re-opened as they struggle to afford oil to heat their homes.”

“We have lobbied the Housing Executive on numerous occasions to get, those who most need it, their fire places re-opened to help heat their homes. Yet we are constantly told this is not allowed. Now finally Nelson McCausland has woken up and realised that something needs to be done and help those most vulnerable in our society.”

“I would encourage the Housing Executive to allow those who are most in need to re-open their fires to help alleviate fuel poverty. I will be following this matter closely and I will be lobbying for a positive conclusion.”

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