Tuesday 29 April 2014

SDLP supports call for 20mph urban speed limit

SDLP Strabane candidates has supported the Go 20 campaign by the road safety charity Brake and Allianz Insurance to make 20mph the default urban speed limit - and joins eight in 10 people (78%) across the UK who believe 20mph should be the norm around schools, on residential streets, and in village, town and city centres.

SDLP Sperrin candidate Liam Stewart said: "I am delighted to support this important campaign - and would urge drivers across the Strabane district and throughout the North to protect people right away, by slowing down to 20mph around homes, schools and shops, even where the limit is still 30mph.
"20mph limits not only help make streets safer and more pleasant for walking and cycling, but also promise to deliver improvements in public health via reductions in congestion, pollution and noise."
Julie Townsend, deputy chief executive, Brake, said: "The GO 20 campaign is about defending everyone's right to walk and cycle freely without being endangered, whether it's to get to work, school, the shops, or just getting out and being active.
SDLP Derg candidate Jim McIntyre said: "We need to tackle the senseless and violent casualties that continue to happen daily on our roads, and we need to enable people to live healthy, active, social lives. It's clear that 20mph limits in communities like Strabane can help bring this about and it's clear this is what people want. That's why so many local authorities are making the switch from 30mph to 20mph. With many people already reaping the benefits of living in 20mph areas, we're reaching a point where it makes no sense to retain 30mph as the default limit in built-up areas. It's time for the government to GO 20 nationally, to save councils money and help create safe, active, happy communities."


West Tyrone MLA Joe Byrne has accompanied SDLP candidates lodging nomination papers for the upcoming local council elections to the Strabane District Council offices on Thursday.

Mr Byrne said: "Our Strabane candidates are the only new faces out of all candidates to challenge the local election. This election must be about a new fresh approach to Strabane and the issues which face our people. These candidates have been active within the community on behalf of the SDLP for almost three years now, this proves their dedication to the Strabane people and their willingness to do all they can to give Strabane a powerful voice on the new Strabane/Derry Council.
"I have every faith in their ability and application - and importantly that they will work hard to identify the key issues affecting our local economy and so many of our public services.
"They have all been listening to people's concerns and ideas during the election campaign.
"Unlike others, the SDLP is about delivering for others.  At a time when people are struggling to make ends meet, they want a party that cares about them - not parties who are only obsessed about themselves and their status.  
"Our candidates will reiterate that on health, the economy, poverty, justice and much more besides, great potential exists, waiting to be exploited - not least in terms of a shared future in Strabane and the expansion and development of third level education facilities which would ensure we have a young educated population who can compete with the rest of the world and strong businesses that can compete with the best in the world.
"I wish all of the candidates every success in the upcoming election and have no doubts they will take up the challenges of the present to pursue a better future for all. If you want things to change, vote Team SDLP on May 22nd"

McIntyre hits out at £15 charge to vote

This week Derg SDLP Candidate Jim McIntyre has expressed outrage following a local GP Practice charging £15 to have a postal vote form signed for an elderly resident.

Mr McIntyre spoke of his anger following the resident contacting him and spoke of their frustration as they could not afford to pay the £15 to have the form signed and be able to vote.

Speaking on the matter Mr McIntyre said "I was outraged to hear that an elderly resident from Strabane was quoted £15 from a local GP practice to have their postal vote form filled in by a qualified person. The gentleman in question is unable to go to the polling station on Election Day himself due to problems with his mobility."

"I recommended he fill in an application form for a postal vote as this would allow him to vote without having to go to the polling station. On the back it is required that a qualified medical professional sign the form to confirm they cannot vote in person. He then discovered, after contacting his medical practice, it was £15 per form."  

"This is totally unacceptable. It is a basic human right to be allowed to vote in free democratic elections. £15 to a pensioner is a lot of money that many cannot afford to spend in the current economic climate. Due to this fee he is being denied his right to vote. The SDLP have always strived to ensure that basic human rights for everyone are protected."

"I am calling on all medical centres to provide this service for free to ensure everyone can vote in the forthcoming elections. It is a fundamental human right to vote and the issue of affordability should not affect this right in any way."

Kelly: SDLP offers strength and hope for young people

Newly elected chairperson of Strabane SDLP Youth, Mark Kelly has said that the SDLP is the party that offers young people the greatest strength and hope for their future.

Speaking after his election, Mr Kelly said:
"Young people are facing huge challenges. Youth unemployment is intolerably high and continues to blight the lives of people emerging from our schools and universities. We all know friends or relatives who have had to leave our shores because of the economic climate. The SDLP wants young people to have the opportunity to travel, to broaden their horizons and come home with new skills. No one should be forced to leave their home because of lack of opportunity.
"As Chairperson of Strabane SDLP Youth, I will prioritise the issues that matter most to our young people. Education, employment, equality. I was delighted that at our annual conference strong, vibrant women were elected to every contested position on our Youth Executive.
"As a young person, I understand the experiences and fears of my peer group. We are frustrated that government and Europe is not delivering. That's why we need a robust, Pro-European voice in the European Parliament, fighting for our needs. Alex Attwood will fight for everyone but especially young people and will use Europe as a force for change. As a Minister and a negotiator on policing and the past, he is politician who gets things done. We need strength again in Europe and he will deliver it.
"These are no ordinary elections. Young voters have the power to shape change. I would encourage every young person to stand for what they believe in. I'll be standing with Alex Attwood, standing with our local government candidates and standing with the people of Northern Ireland."

ASH pledges support for ovarian cancer awareness campaign


SDLP Derg Candidate Marie Ash has pledged her support for a specific ovarian cancer awareness campaign.

 "Research has shown that 37 per cent women in Northern Ireland are not at all confident about identifying the symptoms. That is a startling figure and something must be done to rectify that, which is why a specific awareness campaign for ovarian cancer is so urgently needed.   
"It is also alarming, and shocking, that 38 cancer drugs are not available to cancer patients in Northern Ireland.
"My party MP's have pledged to do what they can to make sure that message gets to Westminster, and in the SDLP will do what we can to change that.

"The SDLP are proactively lobbying Westminster to establish a much needed Cancer Drugs Fund for Northern Ireland.
"The discrimination that currently exists against cancer patients because of where they live must end and, together with our health spokesperson, Fearghal McKinney MLA  - who has taken up the fight at Assembly level on behalf of patients with the government, demanding immediate action to end discrimination against cancer patients in Northern Ireland and start saving lives - the SDLP will continue to support this fight and work to affect change."

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Byrne: Robinson ignores cost of policing marches and protests as he threatens to take nuclear option on Welfare Reform

The First Minister Peter Robinson has ignored the cost of policing the divisive marches and protests across the last year as he threatens to take the 'nuclear option' on Welfare Reform, according to SDLP West Tyrone MLA Joe Byrne.

Mr Byrne said "The fact Peter Robinson would threaten us with a 'nuclear option' regarding welfare reform is bad enough, but the fact he insists it is the most vulnerable who will suffer with massive budget cuts is unacceptable.
"The First Minister warns failure to introduce welfare reform here, with the devastating impact it would have on Northern Irish families, would lead to as much as £1billion being taken out of the block grant over the next five years.
"last week, in an interview the Finance Minister, the DUP's Simon Hamilton warned that already £15m had been racked up in penalties in the last financial year for not imposing welfare reform, and this figure would rise to £100m this year.
"The Finance Minister threatened to remove £68m from the health budget, which he admitted would have 'a devastating impact', and £30m from the Justice budget. It is clear to me both the Finance Minister and the First Minister are creating a climate of fear and distress for the most vulnerable in our society without taking a responsible approach of seeing where some very practical savings could be made.
"For example, the cost of policing the long-standing protest at Twaddell in North Belfast is approaching £7m so far, with a continuing daily cost of over £40,000. Where is the DUP concern about this cost? Surely, such a practical cost saving could be made if the political will and leadership existed within the DUP to help resolve this long-standing protest.
"The DUP have only focused on the cost consequences to the NI Budget if Welfare Reform is not achieved in the image of what London is imposing. They have said very little about the damage that will be caused to families, communities and individuals in West Tyrone and across the North because of what London will impose.
"I do not believe there has been much recent negotiation by the DUP with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).  Since before the summer, DWP has given not an inch to DSD in regarding amendments to Welfare Reform.
"The DUP Finance Minister Simon Hamilton and the First Minister have questions to answer about the role that he can play in respect of welfare reform and stop being messengers for Treasury when it comes to the threat of welfare reform. We in the SDLP will continue to fight for and protect vulnerable people"

Byrne: Poots is asleep at the wheel on concept of TYC review

SDLP MLA Joe Byrne says, “While there is some value in an Emergency Health Summit it will not go far enough in addressing the core issues.”

“The SDLP has said from the start of this crisis that the situation in our emergency departments was a symptom and not a cause. Simply looking again at the symptoms will not resolve the situation.
“While the Health Minister refused to recognise the crisis at the start, in the intervening months he has slowly and reluctantly begun to wake up to the underlying causes.  This conference is another step along the way to recognising those underlying difficulties caused by the Transforming Your Care agenda.
“Public confidence in the entire system need to be addressed and that can be helped by an independent review of the Transforming Your Care targets.
“It is now two and a half years since the introduction of TYC and there is little evidence that the shift of money away from hospital services is happening effectively, or even at all. The Health Committee has heard evidence from the Department that outlines the successes of TYC and conversely from respected Unions such as the RCN who say they don’t know what it is and cannot see any evidence of its implementation.

“We in the SDLP will be urging the Committee to back an SDLP call for the Minister to begin to measure and review Transforming Your Care in the best interests of patients staff and public confidence.”

ASH: All Island approach vital for future of Agri-food industry

Speaking following the recent SDLP Agriculture Conference held in West Tyrone, SDLP Derg election candidate, Marie Ash said; “Strengthening North-South relations and having a stronger voice in Europe is crucial to the development and growth of the agri-food industry across Northern Ireland.

Mrs Ash said an all island approach is the only logical way forward for the industry which, across Ireland contributes an annual output approaching €24 billion and directly employs over 150,000 people. It is our largest indigenous employment sector. We must deliver an environment where producers can flourish and where consumers can have confidence.”
Mrs Ash said: “The NI Executive must work with similar ambition as the Irish Government regarding support for agriculture and make more effort to work towards an all-island approach. When we have difficult issues, such as the recent nomad cattle matter, it is important that we work together to resolve them to ensure that these cattle aren’t wasted and that revenue is protected.”  

Mrs Ash added: “Local producers and companies across West Tyrone, in my local area of Castlederg and across the North need our support as we move into an era where local concerns meet global challenges head on. We have a responsibility and need to work together across the island of Ireland and in Europe to face these challenges. If we do, we can have an agri-food industry that is global in reach and aspiration, but never loses sight of the local environment and culture in which it is embedded.” 

Leonard: Educational underachievement figures deeply worrying

SDLP Sperrin Candidate for the Strabane area, Patrick Leonard has said that research from the Community Relations Council underlines educational underachievement as the single biggest social issue facing Northern Ireland.
Dr Leonard said:
“Recent research carried out by the Community Relations Council makes for disturbing reading. It shows that a range of ethnic groups across our communities are failing, in worryingly large numbers, to achieve 5 good GCSE grades.
“The situation is most acute for Protestant males receiving free school meals, members of the travelling community and members of the Roma community. Less than 20% of these young people are achieving 5 good grades. That state of affairs reflects shamefully on our society throughout the North.
“It is imperative that the Education Minister and the wider Executive pulls together to deal with educational disadvantage. Recognition is an important first step but we now need action to tackle the problem.

“In a climate where jobs continue to remain scarce on the ground, low educational achievement puts young people at a severe disadvantage. It also has knock on implications for overall employment and the economic recovery here. I have written to the Education Minister this week, requesting a full reflection on the underachievement figures for the Strabane District. We cannot afford both morally and economically, to continue to let the issue drift under the radar.”

McIntyre: Positive step forward for Addiction Services

SDLP Derg Representative and Council Candidate, Jim McIntyre has welcomed the news that the Health and Social Care Board will, within weeks, develop the appropriate next steps including service delivery for tier 3 and 4 services, including addiction services across the North.

Mr McIntyre said: “We in the SDLP have been in communication with the Health Minister over this very important move forward to modernise and adapt our addiction services across the North.  During the consultation, My Party colleagues made perfectly clear in their submission that a detoxification centre should be sited between Strabane and Derry and that resources to allow it to operate 24 hours a day should be put in place. 
“Options outlined in the consultation that would mean people from the Strabane District in need of specialist services would have to travel almost 60 miles for assistance are not viable. Given recent tragedies in recent years, the people of the Strabane District want a connected, fully resourced and local service. It is important that we do all we can to provide that. 

“In light of this, SDLP Representatives hope to meet with the Chief Executive of the Health and Social Care Board to outline the need for site close to Strabane that caters for the North-West, and that the need across the Northwest demands attention. ”

SDLP declares for one zone with four-year transition

After weeks of speculation and wide-spread consultation with farming groups and agri-sector stakeholders the SDLP have come down in favour of a single zone region for CAP Pillar 1, and a four year transition period to achieve a single flat rate payment across Northern Ireland according to SDLP Agriculture Spokesperson Joe Byrne MLA.

MLA Byrne, who is vice chair of the Assembly agriculture committee, said: "The key factors influencing this decision are the principle of fairness and equality, the sustaining and development of family farm based rural communities, and a sensible period of four years to allow for necessary adjustment.

"This has been a major consultation exercise, and the SDLP believe that the sooner the Minister for Agriculture concludes this issue, the better for all concerned in the farming sector.

"There has been too much uncertainty and confusion allowed to grow since the debacle over the Pillar 1/Pillar 2 transfer at the end of 2013 which is adding to the anxiety surrounding the CAP Pillar 1 issue."

Pictured above -  Joe Byrne MLA with Minister Simon Coveney, Irish Agriculture Minister addressing SDLP Agriculture conference. (April 10)

SDLP Position on abortion is clear, Sinn Fein’s is not

SDLP Position on abortion is clear, Sinn Fein’s is not


Sinn Fein can fool some of the people some of the time, most of the people most of the time but Sinn Fein will not fool all of the people all of the time. 

Following the recent controversy regarding a Sinn Fein letter about abortion, the SDLP once again clarifies its position in policy terms regarding this delicate and fundamental matter.

“The SDLP has always been a pro-life party and this has been reaffirmed at our party conference last year. Sinn Féin, in a recent letter attempting to clarify their position on abortion, equated their policy to ours. This is not the case.
“Just over three months ago Martina Anderson voted for the ‘Estrela' report in the European Parliament. This report sought to make abortion a human right, a personal choice in any circumstance. Contradictory messages have been coming from Sinn Féin on abortion for a number of years; the SDLP will make its own statements on its own policy.
“Sinn Féin should withdraw their letter and refrain from quoting the policy of other political parties and members of the Catholic Church in order to attempt to make their confused position easier to understand.

Fearghal McKinney MLA - SDLP Health Spokesperson  

Stewart welcomes decision on NIE Network Rates

Stewart welcomes decision on NIE Network Rates

SDLP Council Candidate Liam Stewart has today welcomed news that consumers will not be paying ‘exorbitant’ prices that NI Electricity had been pushing for customers to pay.

The Competition Commission’s final determination, published yesterday, set the cost to be paid for electricity by consumers over the next three years stating consumers will see their bills lowered by £10 by 2017. NIE has also been asked to refund consumers for the period since April 2012 when this price control was originally due to come into force.
Mr Stewart said: “This news today justifies the involvement of the Utility Regulator from the word ‘go’. The Competition Commissioner has upheld the view that NIE’s costings would see bills for the average consumer soar; at a time when many families throughout the Strabane district and across the North are facing severe hardship and are struggling to pay household bills.
“However, the one aspect of the Commissioner’s decision which we in the SDLP find utterly peculiar is that consumers will end up footing half the bill – upwards of £1.4 million – of the costs incurred by a private, commercial business – NIE - in challenging the original decision. That is really bizarre.
“Mr Stewart continued; “I am pleased to hear that the Utility Regulator is due before the ETI committee shortly and my SDLP colleagues in the Assembly will be asking what can be done, as soon as possible, to reverse an unfair and bizarre decision that would see struggling families paying for this debacle.”     

Thursday 17 April 2014

Byrne Welcomes Announcement Greenfield to Remain Open

This week West Tyrone SDLP MLA Joe Byrne has welcomed the announcement that Greenfield Residential Home will remain open. This follows the news of Health Minister Edwin Poot’s U-Turn on the closure of statutory care homes following a relentless campaign by residents, families and the wider community.   

Welcoming the news Mr Byrne said ““This is, first and foremost, a victory for residents of care homes who fought a principled, justified and relentless campaign against the cuts and closure agenda of the Health Minister. The voices that matter most have finally been heard and as a result, they have influenced policy change for the better.”

“The only disappointment is that it took the Minister and the Department so long to take action. These residents should have been protected as a fundamental right. They should never have had to go through the trauma of facing what amounted to eviction from their home.”

“Greenfield home is a long established statutory home which has a good track record when it comes to catering for older people, who want to reside in a common shared centre. As a political party the SDLP are committed to the residents and all concerned with Greenfield Home. The residents and staff should not have had to experience uncertainty regarding their future.”

“The minister needs to start asking fundamental questions about how the trusts were able to take steps in implementing proposals, which were in direct conflict with the departmental policy contained in the Transforming Your Care document. The SDLP have had concerns in regards to this policy and will be calling on the minister to bring forward legislation to prevent the stealth privatisation of the health and social care system.”

“Whilst I welcome this belated decision by the Minister, there are serious questions which still need to be answered by the minister in regards to this policy and his department’s communication with the health trusts senior management."

Leonard Welcomes Reprieve for Greenfield

News that Greenfield Residential Care Home in Strabane, which had been threatened with closure, is to remain open has been welcomed by local election SDLP candidate Patrick Leonard.

The Melmount Road home is one of 18 across the North given a reprieve by Health Minister Nelson McCausland.

Mr Leonard said: "The past year has been a difficult time for everyone connected with Greenfield Residential Home.

"The announcement by Health Minister Poots is widely welcomed and this is a bright day for the residents, their families and the members of staff who saw this home threatened with closure.

"The SDLP has lobbied hard with the families to ensure this vital facility remained open and we will continue to do all in our power to ensure this service is retained in the future."

Mr Leonard continued: "Greenfield has provided a tremendous service to the people of this district for decades and long may it continue."

Tuesday 15 April 2014

McIntyre urges caution following 'Bogus Caller' incident

Derg Area SDLP Candidate Jim McIntyre has urged caution, following Trading Standards and the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) warning residents to be aware of bogus callers claiming to be from a department store.

It follows a complaint from a resident who received an unsolicited call at the door from someone claiming to be from a well-known retailer.

Mr McIntyre explained how the bogus calls work: "The caller produces a form of ID which they show briefly to the resident, then proceed to offer the resident a deal if she switches her phone line to their company."

"In this case the resident declined the offer and pointed to the No Cold Calling Sticker, which she had displayed on her front door, this informs people that you do not wish to have sales people calling with you and at this point the caller left."

Trading Standards contacted the retailer and they confirmed that they do not conduct door to door sales, or offer phone deals.

Mr McIntyre continued: "The advice from Trading Standards is clear. Never deal with anyone who cold calls at your door. Also, beware of scammers, who make contact by phone, you should never pass any of your personal details, including bank account details to anyone. If you would like to obtain a No Cold Calling Sticker please telephone 101 and ask to speak to the Crime Prevention Officer for your area."

"If you've had a recent visit and suspect that it may have been from a rogue trader or a bogus caller, please report the matter to Trading Standards, The PSNI or Action Fraud. I would urge everyone to be vigilant and make sure no one else falls victim to this crime."

Ash attends SDLP Agricultural Conference

Local Derg SDLP candidate Marie Ash attended the party's 3rd Annual Agriculture Conference held last Thursday at Kelly's Inn, Omagh, the most successful to date.

During the conference, SDLP Agriculture spokesperson Joe Byrne MLA announced that the SDLP are in favour of a single zone region for CAP Pillar 1, and a four year transition period to achieve a single flat rate payment across Northern Ireland.

"The key factors influencing this decision are the principle of fairness and equality, the sustaining and development of family farm based rural communities, and a sensible period of four years to allow for necessary adjustment,".

"This has been a major consultation exercise, and the SDLP believe that the sooner the Minister for Agriculture Michelle O'Neill concludes this issue, the better for all concerned in the farming sector."

"There has been too much uncertainty and confusion allowed to grow since the debacle over the Pillar 1/Pillar 2 transfer at the end of 2013 which is adding to the anxiety surrounding the CAP Pillar 1 issue."

Mrs Ash stated "I have many close family members involved in the farming business and I know many farmers are struggling due to the incompetence shown by DARD and Minister O'Neill. The SDLP have shown leadership on Agricultural, and will continue to support farmers in our communities."

Kelly Welcomes Rouskey Road Bus Shelter

This week SDLP Strabane District Councillor Patsy Kelly has welcomed the new Bus Shelter on the Rouskey Road in Dunamanagh.

Welcoming the news Councillor Kelly said "I am pleased to see this new bus shelter built on the Rouskey Road in Dunamangh. This is an issue I have been lobbying on for quite a number of months."

"I have been approached by a number of residents regarding this issue. Many people have complained that in bad weather there was no shelter from the elements. This was a particular concern for children and the elderly who use this bus stop to get into Strabane to do shopping or going to school."

"This new bus shelter will provide protection during bad weather and most important of all will help ensure the safety of all those using the bus stop." 

Monday 7 April 2014

Leonard: Family Distraught After Child Falls On Used Syringe

This week SDLP Sperrin candidate, Patrick Leonard expressed his outrage at those responsible for disposing of a used needle behind a local primary school. Whilst canvassing Mr Leonard was approached by the local family who were left very distraught after their child came into contact with a used needle on her way home from school. The child tripped and fell landing on the device which pricked into the child's hand.

Mr Leonard has called on parents to advise their children to be extra vigilant when if travelling through this well-known area between the grounds of Melmount Church and St Mary's Primary School. At present we are not sure what the needle was used for.

On Friday evening I contacted the police and requested a search of the entire area to ensure no other materials remained which may pose a risk to the health and safety of those walking in the area.

Mr Leonard concluded: "As a concerned parent myself, I understand how the family must be feeling.  I ask that if you come across anything like this please be advised not to touch them and report it to the police."

McIntyre Calls on West Tyrone MP to Clarify his position on 800 Jobs

SDLP Derg candidate for the new Strabane/Derry 'Super Council', Jim McIntyre has called on Sinn Fein MP, Pat Doherty and the three Sinn Fein MLA's to clarify their position on the decision of their Minister, Michelle O'Neill to relocate 800 Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Jobs to Ballykelly after Strabane ranked number 1 on the assessment criteria! Strabane scored 73 while Ballykelly scored 14 points less, with just 59.

During Questions to Minister O'Neill at last week's question time, the Minister confirmed she was now in a position to 'sign off' on a business case, which will justify her position to relocate the jobs to Ballykelly. The Minister also stated that Ballykelly was still her 'preferred location' for the new DARD headquarters, which will house 800 employees.

Mr McIntyre said; "It will soon be two years since Strabane was overlooked as the new home to 800 DARD positions, despite an in-depth report deeming our district as the most suitable location in the North."

"Strabane topped the poll for all the wrong reasons, but at least there was a realisation, following the report that Strabane has been the forgotten council area and needed immediate attention from the Executive. Unfortunately Strabane being one of the highest unemployment areas in the UK wasn't enough for Sinn Fein. This is one pill the People of Strabane should not swallow lightly."

"I am calling on Pat Doherty, the MP for this constituency to explain his position, with the three Sinn Fein MLA's and explain why their Minister did not follow the findings of that report and locate all 800 jobs in Strabane as advised. Does the West Tyrone MP, who was the parliamentary under-secretary for the Minister when the decision was reached, agree with his Ministers decision to discriminate the Strabane people? Let's be clear, the decision was not made by the Executive but by the Minister alone."

Mr McIntyre continued; "Is Ballykelly Sinn Fein's preferred location and how do they feel as representatives elected by local people, about their Minister dismissing the people of Strabane without an explanation.  Sinn Fein has remained very quiet on this issue, is it obvious they have no intention of tackling Strabane's unemployment crisis even when they have the opportunity to do so.
Today I am calling for answers, I would ask that Pat Doherty MP clarify Sinn Fein's position immediately. The Strabane people are waiting and deserve an answer.

Ash Welcomes Scrapping of Mobile Phone Roaming Charges

Speaking after the EU Commission announced its ambitious plans to scrap mobile phone roaming charges across Europe, SDLP Derg Candidate Marie Ash welcomed the measures as a particular benefit for her border constituency of Derg.

Marie said: "I am delighted the EU Commission has decided to move forward with plans to scrap mobile phone roaming charges across Europe. This will undoubtedly benefit many member states and, especially, here in the North of Ireland.

"The people of the Derg particularly will benefit from these changes being a border area as many people incur high roaming charges, even when they are still at home due to the closeness of County Donegal."

"For a number of years the SDLP has been calling for an all-island tariff to deal with the high costs our constituents are suffering in the North; either due to close proximity to the border or from travelling to southern counties at weekends."

"While I welcome the EU's move to bring forward these measures by 2016, I will be working closely with my SDLP colleagues in Stormont and Westminster, to ensure these measures are enacted here as soon as possible. In the interim, I will be calling on the Executive to work with our counterparts in the Republic to bring forward an all-island tariff to serve the people of Ireland in the immediate future."

Friday 4 April 2014


A family have been left distraught after their child came into contact with a syringe believed to have been used for injecting drugs.

As a result, Patrick Leonard, Strabane SDLP election candidate, has called on parents to advise their children to be “extra vigilant.”

The incident occurred last night between the grounds of Melmount Church and St Mary’s School.

Mr Leonard said: “While out canvassing I was approached about a situation earlier in which a young girl had fallen onto a used syringe.

“The family of this child are distraught over this and fear for the safety of other children.”

Mr Leonard concluded: “As a concerned parent myself, my thoughts are with the family and I ask that if you come across anything like this please be advised not to touch them and report it to the police.”

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Byrne: SDLP pledge to work for tougher measures on animal cruelty

SDLP Agriculture Spokesman Joe Byrne has pledged to work for the highest standards possible to ensure the protection of animals from cruelty.

Speaking during a Stormont debate on animal cruelty this week, the vice chairperson of the Assembly’s Agriculture Committee said what was concerning was the apparent lack of prosecutions and few custodial sentences in relation to animal cruelty.

Mr Byrne said all allegations of abuse of animals “must be investigated fully, and those responsible must be held to account”. He called for tougher sentencing by the courts on those found guilty of animal cruelty.

Mr Byrne said: “The incidents of cruelty we have heard of over these past weeks and months are distressing, and it is timely these issues were raised in Stormont. Anton Mc Cabe, a local Omagh journalist who raised the issue of the horses that were being kept in the Clogher Mountain region is to be congratulated.

“Many organisations have to fundraise to help animals that are picked up in a distressed state. Grovehill Animal Trust is one such organisation that I have been in contact with, and which has set up a charity shop in Omagh to raise money to support their cause.

“The SDLP calls on the agencies involved to work more closely together to increase intelligence sharing which could, in turn, lead to more convictions.  We have a duty of care to the citizens and animals in this jurisdiction. We must use all the methods at our disposal to ensure that we provide the necessary level of protection that is needed by domestic and wild animals.”

New funding deal must ease Strabane housing crisis - Stewart

A record finance deal for 1,600 new social homes in Northern Ireland must help to alleviate Strabane's housing crisis, SDLP council candidate Liam Stewart has said.

Speaking after it was revealed a finance package worth £180 million is to kick start the construction of some 1,600 social housing units in Northern Ireland, Mr Stewart said it is vital Strabane gets its fair share. Clanmil Housing Association has secured loans of £75m from Danske Bank and £45million from Barclay, of which £100m will be spent on the construction of new homes for some 5,000 people across the North.

The funding will also allow Clanmil to unlock £80m in statutory funding from the Department for Social Development. Mr Stewart said: "This is the biggest deal of its kind in Northern Ireland and it can have positive ramifications for those caught up in the housing crisis that is affecting 600 people in our district and almost 1300 across the West Tyrone constituency.”

“I would now be hopeful that with the help of this finance deal that sites can be acquired across the Strabane district for the construction of homes for those most in need on Strabane's ever-expanding waiting list."
Mr Stewart said the depth of the crisis in social housing in Strabane is alarming. He said: "A very large percentage of people who call into our Strabane office have presented with issues relating to housing stress, waiting times and long delayed necessary repairs to properties.”

“It is my view that many local people at their wits end who have been continually let down by the system with some concerned if they'll ever be housed. The most recently produced statistics make for alarming reading - an increase of 37% on the Strabane waiting list in the last 5 years.”

"With more than 660 people now on Strabane's waiting lists, we can make no mistake we are in the midst of a housing crisis of startling proportions. This finance package can help can ease the crisis locally across the Strabane district, will create local jobs and alleviate the pressure on private rentals.” 

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Leonard Welcomes Derelict Buildings Clean-up

This week Sperrin Area SDLP Candidate Patrick Leonard has welcomed the clean-up of a number of Strabane's most derelict buildings following a recent cash injection of £200,000 secured through the Department of Environment's Dereliction Programme.

Welcoming the clean-up Mr Leonard said "It is great to see some of the vacant buildings receive a fresh coat of paint and shop front improvements. Dereliction has been an issue that the SDLP in Strabane have been very active over in the last number of months."

"It has been important to address the issue of derelict and vacant properties in the Strabane area. Not only do derelict buildings look bad and make the town look uncared for, but it also has a negative effect on potential investors. Potential business owners want a clean, customer friendly area to start their business and are very much put off by the sight of derelict buildings."

"Hopefully with this clean-up, it will create an opportunity to attract local investment at a much needed time and also improve the character of the town. With more investment, this will lead to more jobs for Strabane and its residents."