Wednesday 7 January 2015

McCrossan: welcomes new cap on payday loan charges

SDLP West Tyrone Candidate for Westminster has welcomed the introduction of a cap on charges associated with payday loans which came into effect in the New Year.

He said:

“Pay Day Loan companies continue to take advantage of the poor and the most vulnerable. They exploit the difficulties facing the unemployed and the underpaid by offering them short term financial relief while handcuffing them to huge interest rates. 

The SDLP has long argued for greater regulation of these companies and I’m now glad that their rates will be capped at 0.8% per day of the amount borrowed. Furthermore, I’m pleased that under new regulations, no-one will be forced to pay back more than twice the amount they borrowed.

“The SDLP has been unrelenting in our pursuit of these legal loan sharks. From the Assembly to Westminster we have supported every attempt to cap and control predatory lending practices.  In particular, my party colleague Mark Durkan MP has been a fierce advocate of greater protection for ordinary people against pay day lenders and has proposed robust amendments to Westminster legislation to that end.

“There are other forms of credit available to people who find themselves in financial difficulties. I would encourage anyone who is struggling to speak to their local credit union to explore the options open to them with modest interest rates before turning toward pay day loan companies.

“More action is needed if we are to clamp down on excessive charges and irresponsible lending, and make sure that borrowers are being treated fairly whatever form of credit they are using. The SDLP will continue to press for higher standards and greater protections for the least well off.”

McCrossan: Education Cuts will limit the development of our Children

SDLP West Tyrone Westminster candidate Daniel McCrossan has criticised the Department of Education and Minister John O’Dowd for his tunnel vision approach to Education cuts and the impact of such cuts on local schools and young people.

Mr McCrossan warned of the devastating impact of education cutbacks throughout the Districts of Omagh and Strabane and across West Tyrone.

He said: “It is time Minister O’Dowd woke up and realised that Education is not a cost, but an investment. It’s an investment in our young people, in our communities and in our future. To threaten education threatens the potential of our children and creates barriers to sustainable community development.

“Prior to the holiday period I attended a public meeting organised by the Irish National Teachers Union (INTO) and Ulster Teachers Union (UTU) in the Strule Arts Centre, which highlighted the devastating impact of the cuts in education which could result in up to 2,500 job losses.

“It is no surprise that these cuts will impact on every school, classroom, pupil and parent throughout this constituency which will ultimately result in increased class sizes as well as teacher and classroom assistant redundancies. This is quite clearly an attack on our education system which will threaten the development of our children.

“The SDLP is the only Party which has opposed the cuts to date and warned of the reality if implemented. It is essential that we protect educational services throughout West Tyrone, which are under tremendous pressure already. These cuts will make the situation worse.”

Monday 5 January 2015

McCrossan: Roads Service must take action on Bailee Road

SDLP West Tyrone Westminster candidate Daniel McCrossan has criticised Roads Service for their failure to take action on the concerns of local Strabane residents regarding safety along Bailee road.

He said:

“Over the last few weeks I have been contacted by a number of residents concerned about dangerous conditions on the Bailee Road overlooking the old Strabane Glen. Regular users of the road is will know it’s very narrow with no passing places for vehicles. At one particular section there is only a few feet of grass verge between the road and a cliff, dropping almost 100 ft.

“The issue of safety was brought to my attention after a car sunk into the verge when pulling in to allow another car to pass.

“I contacted Roads Service who placed parking cones around the spot almost 8 weeks ago, but have done nothing to secure the area since. This stretch of road has the potential to cause a serious accident and poses a significant threat to road users unaware of the area.

“I am now calling for a barrier to be placed along this section to ensure road users are not put at risk. This is a rural country road with no lights; therefore action must be taken to secure the site immediately.”



Friday 2 January 2015

McCrossan condemns ‘mindless’ Omagh attack

McCrossan condemns ‘mindless’ Omagh attack

SDLP West Tyrone Westminster candidate Daniel McCrossan has condemned those behind a callous shooting in the McClay Park area of Omagh.

He said:

“The gun attack on seven people at a house in Omagh is a truly sickening and despicable incident. As a family, entering the New Year, the last thing they, or anyone else, needs is a callous attack like this.

“Thankfully no one was injured as a result of this mindless act of terror which had the potential to kill or seriously harm those in the home at the time.

“This is not only an attack on those targeted; it is an attack on the entire community here. I know that local people will rally round the family at this very distressing time.

“These attacks must be stopped and utterly condemned -  I would call on anyone with information regarding this incident to come forward to the PSNI.

 As we begin 2015 we must all take a zero tolerance approach to these mindless acts of terror and thuggery.”