Friday 2 January 2015

McCrossan condemns ‘mindless’ Omagh attack

McCrossan condemns ‘mindless’ Omagh attack

SDLP West Tyrone Westminster candidate Daniel McCrossan has condemned those behind a callous shooting in the McClay Park area of Omagh.

He said:

“The gun attack on seven people at a house in Omagh is a truly sickening and despicable incident. As a family, entering the New Year, the last thing they, or anyone else, needs is a callous attack like this.

“Thankfully no one was injured as a result of this mindless act of terror which had the potential to kill or seriously harm those in the home at the time.

“This is not only an attack on those targeted; it is an attack on the entire community here. I know that local people will rally round the family at this very distressing time.

“These attacks must be stopped and utterly condemned -  I would call on anyone with information regarding this incident to come forward to the PSNI.

 As we begin 2015 we must all take a zero tolerance approach to these mindless acts of terror and thuggery.”


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